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Beauty's pov
"Hasbinallahu wani'imal wakil,Allahumma ajirni fi musibati waklifni khairan minha. Innalillahi wainna ilaihirra ji'un, lahaula wala kuwwata illla billah" these were the supplications coming out of my mouth as tears of agony continue to roll down my cheeks.

I just can't take it anymore, how could he do this to me. What have I done to deserve this, no body has ever make me cry like, this apart from my parents then who the hell did he think he is to make me shed tears. It took me a lot of sacrifices to do this project,my time ,my energy and even my sleep.
I fell on my bed with a loud thud sandwiching my face inbetween my pillows.I stayed in the same position for a while crying my heart out.I totally don't know what to do ,what will I say tomorrow at school. This Is so wicked of him.

"Oh God Ameey" I said as it clicked in my mind .
I didn't even know when a cool smile etched on my baby pink lips.

"She can sent it back to me " I said full of hope wiping away the tears on my face with my thumb. A smile quickly followed the statement. Earlier before I went for dinner I sent it to her for she was so eager to see my work. I was even doing shakara for her,I'm just glad I ended up sending it to her.
I quickly dragged my system to my body and placed it on my laps as I rest my back on the bed board.
In less than 30mins I retrieved back everything from Ameey. To say I was more than elated was an underestimation.
I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.
Alhamdulillah, it all turned out well.
After skyping with khairy I dropped the phone on the bedside console. Oh that's eventually after sending my project.
I gotta teach that dab a memorable lesson, I can't wait to see him bewildered.
I smiled once again and dragged the duvet towards my body.
Handsome's pov

The next day I woke up and took my bath. I got ready in my uniform as usual. I can't wait for the day I will finally get rid of uniforms. That day will confirm to everybody that I am an adult. Not that I am not a big guy now, I am, but some people still see students who wear uniform as kids.

Well we ain't no fucking kids!

I went downstairs as we all had dinner together. I looked at her eyes and smiled roguishly. Her eyes were red like pepper and she looks so moody.
Well this is mission no 1 accomplished. To cheer up the atmosphere, I kept my spoon and looked up at First Luv

"What's wrong with your daughter neh? * I asked First Luv and she put up a sad face. I looked at Beauty and I definitely know that she is feeling as if she should give me a dirty slap. I love the sight of anger blowing in her.

"I really don't know, I asked her but she insisted that she is just not in a good mood " First Luv said looking at her direction
I lowered my lips in an I don't care manner before smiling mischievously. I was surprised when I looked up and saw her smiling secretly but I don't care.
All I care about is that this is just the beginning. Daddy got up before pecking First Luv and Beauty on both side of their faces making me a or jealousy rile up inside me. He hugged me before been excorted to his car by First Luv.
It was now only me and Beauty.

"If there is something wrong with you feel free to share your plight with me, I might be of help" I said standing up and at the same time cleaning my mouth with a piece of tissue.
She just lowered her head unable to say anything. That multiplied the happiness in me. I dashed out of the house walking In a very systematic and attractive way. In a way that will tell you "that guy is a bosssss"
I met First Luv outside and I hugged her before moving towards my car as the driver drove off.
I walked towards the school gate and any student that comes by will greet me before moving on
I met my buddies on our prefect charge point while the other prefects are on a separate point.
We greeted each other in our own craziest way.

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