Reunited Hearts: The Final Chapter🥹

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Final chapter 😭
Kuma duk wanda be danna mun like yyi comment ba ,Allah ya sakamun😂💔🥺
Kuuu,you guys want an epilogue ??
One person say yes,and I'm writing it🤭😫


I gazed at First luv, sensing the unspoken truth that lingered between us. She had a secret, something she was holding back, and despite my curiosity, I respected her silence. It was evident that she had been traveling to a particular country quite often, and my heart couldn't help but hope that Beauty might be there. Yet, First luv had made it clear – no searching, no prying.

I had made a promise to her, a promise to trust her judgment, and I intended to keep it. If Beauty had chosen to stay away, to keep herself hidden, then so be it. I couldn't force her to return, and I couldn't bear the thought of causing her more pain.

Life had taken a drastic turn since Beauty's departure. A whole year had passed, and in that time, I had lost the luster that once defined me. The smiles had become scarce, the laughter a distant memory. The void left by her absence was palpable, an ache that refused to fade.

Our child, if indeed Beauty had given birth, would soon be a year old. The thought weighed heavily on my heart, the sorrow of missing out on those precious moments haunting my every step. But in the stillness of the night, as I raised my hands in prayer, I asked only for their safety, for their well-being,for their happiness.

My life had undergone a transformation. No longer did I adorn myself in designer clothes or chase after material extravagances. The world had lost its allure, and I found myself seeking solace in the simplicity of prayer and reflection.

I knew not what the future held, but I was prepared to accept whatever Allah had decreed. My path had taken an unexpected turn, and though the pain of separation lingered, I clung to the hope that one day, somehow, the chapters of our lives would align once more.

My days had grown monotonous, a relentless cycle of going to work but accomplishing nothing. The vibrant man I once was had withered away, leaving behind a mere ghost of who I used to be. Eating had become a forgotten routine, a chore I couldn't be bothered with.

My interactions with First luv had become curt, devoid of the warmth that once characterized our conversations. I had isolated myself, my world confined to the boundaries of my thoughts. Even my friends found it difficult to reach me, our once lively discussions replaced with silence.

But it was in the solitary hours of the night that my agony truly unfolded. I knelt in prayer, my tears mingling with the whispers of my pleas to Allah. Each night, I begged for His mercy, for His guidance, and for the strength to bear the weight of my heartache. I clung to the hope that Allah would ease my affairs, that He would guide Beauty and our child safely.

It was a life lived in shadows, where the pain of separation carved a chasm in my heart. I had become a mere shell, navigating a world that had lost its vibrancy. The ache of loneliness was my constant companion, an unending reminder of the void left by Beauty's absence.

I held onto faith, for it was the only lifeline I had in this desolation. My soul cried out in silence, hoping that one day, the echoes of my prayers would reach her and lead her back to me. Until then, I remained in this emotional abyss, a broken man yearning for the return of the love he had lost.

First luv's concern for me was evident in her persistent conversations. She often broached the topic of remarriage, attempting to steer me toward a path of healing and recovery.

"Handsome," she would say, her voice laced with genuine worry, "you can't keep living like this. Beauty made her choices, and we have to respect them. But your life can't come to a standstill."

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