Five letter word 😣

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I walked out of the house with Khaleel's hand clasped in mine. I was taking him to his Islamic school which was close. We always stroll to the school since it wasn't far. Khaleel was busy making lots of noise and I was listening to all that he was  saying,replying to some,laughing at most and nodding my head as if I understood some of the things he was saying.

"Papa" he squealed immediately getting out of my grip and running to someone. When I raised up my head to see who it was,my steps hitched stopping on my track. How did Khaleel know him to even call him his Papa. I didn't let his presence affect me,I didn't let it break my walls. All I did was walked to my son before yanking his hand from that of his so called father.

"Khaleel,why are you talking to a stranger. Didn't I scold you about talking to people you don't know" I yelled and Khaleel shivered. He was always reactive to shoutings.

"Mommy he isn't a stranger" he pouted

"Who is he? how did you know him?" I crouched to his height asking him.

"He's my Papa,the one I always tell you about. The one who use to come and see me at school,bring chocolates and gifts. Remember?" Khaleel said earnestly trying to defend himself. It now clicked in my mind that I knew they was a man who gift him chocolates and gifts. Each time he brought them home,I always dispose them. I was being wary of who the guy was and well,he can't be trusted. I now hate myself for being negligent,I should have gone to the school,find out who it was and stop him from interacting with my son. And now he has brainwashed my son without me knowing,it was my fault.

"Let's go" I said carrying him up to my body as I tried to walk further.

"Zee" he called same way he always call me in the past but I didn't turn back not even once.

"Bye Papa" Khaleel said and I was quick to give him a hard knock on his head.

"Don't you ever call him that,he's wicked he's evil. Run away from him" I stated and within seconds Kamal was standing before us.

"Do all you think you can do,hate me all you want but I dare you not to brainwash my child into hating me." He said his teeth grazing against each other. I rolled my eyes at him keeping my anger in control. I won't want to creat an outburst in my son's presence,he's too young to witness such a scene unfolding .
Kamal didn't follow me as I walked to the school.

"Always be..." I started and Khaleel cut me off

"Always be a good boy,behave ,study well. Don't lie and don't feel sad when your friends have something you don't . Allah's with you my boy barakallahu feeka" he giggled going on with my series of everyday nasiha . I felt tears drenching my eye lids.  At his age he already had what I always tell him engraved in his heart. And I pray he turn to be a good man,a man both the deen and world would be proud of.
I engulfed him in my arms,how he felt so small in my  embrace.

"Khalilullah. Mommy loves you and Daddy does as well." I said pecking his forhead

"I love you too Mommy both you and Daddy" he said  pecking my cheeks and I waved at him as I went out of their class. How fast my son has grown, how clever and matured he now is. When I was out of the school,my agony came back. With each second it slice through my heart hurting me.

Why is he back?
What does he want from me now?
He don't deserve to call himself Khaleel's father. Never,not in the past when he rejected his son,not now when he thinks he has power over him and not in the future when I will never let him take my son.
I was surprised to see him standing exactly where I left him. He has really grown so much,three years since I set my eyes on him. I tried to scurry into the house by his side not wanting any conversation with him when he held my arm. I quickly yanked my arm before landing a slap on his face.

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