Still there 😪

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First luv had left my room after our brief conversation.

"Make sure you lock your door" she said and I smiled wearily. I'm sure she said so because of Handsome so he wouldn't disturb me. How couldn't I love her!

"Goodnight First luv" i said a smile playing on my lips.

"Goodnight dearest" she pecked my cheeks.

"Please forgive me for what I've done to you in the past and what I'll do in the future" i said and she looked at me with a quizzical look.

"What are you talking about" she steppped forward

"What are you going to do?" She implored her brows raising.

"Beat your grandchildren when they kick my tummy again" I lied for I was actually apologizing for what I'm going to do and that's running away.
"You need deliverance this girl" she laughed off before leaving
I waved at her retreating back and then closed the door as she had asked me to.

My comment about asking for forgiveness had left her puzzled. Little did she know, I was apologizing not for the past but for my future actions—running away from the life I had known.

Late at night, around 1:30 am, I couldn't bear the weight of my decisions any longer. I stealthily crept out of my room and made my way to Handsome and First luv's rooms. I left the letters, each containing my heartfelt goodbyes and apologies. It was an agonizing task, but it had to be done.

I slipped out of the house, feeling like a phantom in the night. The world outside was dark and silent as I hailed a cab and disappeared into the unknown. My destination was New York, and there, in one of my outhouses, I began my life in exile. I wasn't alone; I had a maid who looked after me, but my mind was still in Nigeria. I missed home more than I had ever imagined, but I couldn't go back.

Life in New York wasn't the peace I had envisioned. The burden of my actions weighed heavily on my heart, and I couldn't stop thinking about what I had done and what lay ahead. My health started deteriorating. My blood pressure soared due to excessive stress, and I ended up being admitted to the hospital.

The doctors warned me that I was playing with my health and risking the life of my unborn child. The thought of harming First luv's beloved grandchild forced me to tone down my obsessive thinking. However, I couldn't completely stop.

One month had passed since my escape, and I was alone, in a foreign land, suffering. My body had transformed, my legs swollen, my pregnancy discomfort unbearable. I started losing hope of survival, especially with no family by my side. My belly had ballooned, and it looked like I was carrying ten babies, even though I was only eight months along.

Eventually, the pain and the loneliness became too much to bear. I knew I couldn't go through this alone any longer. With trembling hands, I dialed First luv's number. She picked up after several rings, her voice laced with worry.

"Who is it?" she asked, her voice cracking.

"First luv," I choked out, tears streaming down my face. Hearing her voice, I couldn't help but cry even more.

"Beauty," she exclaimed, her voice breaking. "I'm in New York. I need you by my side. Please come, so I can look at you, even if it's for the last time. I don't think both the baby and I are going to survive this."

First luv tried to console me, assuring me that she would come. I begged her not to let Handsome know about my condition. She agreed, and I held onto the faint hope that maybe, just maybe, I could make it through this ordeal.

As hours passed, my condition worsened, and my loneliness became unbearable. I couldn't help but wonder if First luv would actually come. It was a glimmer of hope in the darkness of my despair.

A twist  of  hatred Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora