Tragic night❤️‍🩹

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For better understanding of this chapter yah'all can go back to a chapter named Shatuu above😊

The air was filled with a symphony of laughter and animated conversations as guests from both families, guest from cross and over the country, high table guests from around the world enjoyed the lavish dinner party. It was an occasion for celebration, and the couples reveled in the joyous atmosphere. But deep down,there's nothing but sadness and agony hugging both of their hearts.

Beauty was tired,she's fed up of spreading fake smiles around but the night doesn't seem to end at all. It seems like the night has just started but all she want is to be far away from all the annoying crowd that follow her every move with their eyes. She wished she could crash all those phones and cameras taking her pictures with the man she hated,the man she still hates and will forever hate!
The relatives moving here and there each and everyone bearing a beautiful smile. The only thing encouraging her.
When she seems to give up and First Luv's face flash before her all she feels is a new profound courage. That this decision of's worth it. First Luv's smile is worth her happiness and even more.

The grand stage was bathed in the warm glow of candlelight, casting flickering shadows on the polished marble floor. Soft music filled the air, a melody that wove its way into the hearts of the guests. A melody that makes them enthused and desirous to see the couples dancing before them.
It was a night of celebration, a dinner party to honor the union of two families.

As the guests conversed and laughed,sitting at separate tables, each lost in their own thoughts. Beauty, her dark hair cascading down her shoulders in loose curls, watched her husband, Yazeed, with a mixture of hatred and disgust.

Across the room,Shatou, with her radiant smile and twinkling eyes, stole glances at Handsome who seemed lost in his own world.
From where she was standing she could see all that is happening and after many years today..she felt so happy to see him before her!

The guests who noticed Shatuu's presence started whispering in hush tones,as they wonder why she was dressed in a bridal gown and standing before the entrance of the event center.
Sensing the tension, the emcee took to the stage, his voice commanding attention. ""May our beautiful couples grace us with their eloquent presence on the stage, our couples as they go by their names are indeed Beautiful and Handsome. Ladies and gentlemen, if I may have your attention, please. Tonight, we shall witness a spectacle of love. couples, unaware of the depth of affection that still resides within their hearts, will come together on this very stage and dance, allowing their hearts to speak where words have failed."

The room fell into a hushed silence as the host's words sank in. Handsome and Beauty who were still yet to witness Shatuu's presence exchanged curious glances, wondering what fate had in store for them. Slowly, the musicians began playing a soft, romantic melody that tugged at the strings of the soul.

Taking a deep breath, Beauty rose from her seat and made her way towards the stage, her heart pounding in her chest. Handsome watched her, his eyes widening with a mix of surprise and anticipation. She stopped when she was two steps to the stage before extending her hand for him. With a smile that doesn't portray what he's feeling he placed his hand on hers and they walked there together.

Shatuu watched them with great animosity,her heart beating and urging her to do what she's supposed to do.

Shatuu's POV

As the music filled the air and the couples took to the dance floor, I couldn't tear my eyes away from the sight before me. The room seemed to fade away, leaving only a spotlight on the cousin I loved, swaying gracefully with his wife. My heart ached, a bitter symphony playing in my chest.

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