Flustered 😔

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He flung his eyes open, his two set of beautiful dark brown eyes met the well designed white ceiling . Feeling pain all over his body he shut his eyes close and open them once again . Feeling so dopey and drowsy he rose from his king sized bed and shoved away the blue  blanket  he was  sleeping  under. Blue is his favourite  colour  as almost everything in the room are in shades of blue.
That aside ,he sat at the edge of the bed and put on his bed side slippers trying so hard to remember  what the heck  happened  last night  when he was over drunk at a night club.

He buried his head in his two palms. His head is hurting very much which is why he kept on pressing his upper teeth on his lower lip.
After  finding  it so difficult to remember anything he eventually gave up and raised his head as well as his eyes.

His ever dazzling  eyes fell on the large clock hung  onto one of the blue walls surrounding the masculine room.
A timid , bluish, pale light peeped from the window to his left and it almost instantly blended with the diffusd lighting that was lightening the room, coming from the numerous festive lights tingling and hanging from the ceiling, fixed from wall to wall around the window.

"OMGee"he said but it came out as a whisper

"Oh Allah forgive  me. I haven't prayed  subh( morning  prayer) and its already 8" he uttered. as he gushed into the washroom.
A while ago he came out with water  dripping from  his body looking  so pissed off as he dragged  a beautiful  carpet. After  spreading the carpet on another  large  Chinese carpet  which  covers  the whole  floor,he prayed . And it was only then that he felt so relieved, a serene feeling of happiness overwhelmed him .
Darting his eyes from one side to the other, they landed on a Qur'an. He took it and began reading in a voice neither fast nor slow, all he was able to read were two pages but he's contended. Those two pages are enough for him to start his day with .
Well, he can't even read more than that for he is very late for school.
After saying his morning supplications he got up and dashed into the washroom magestically as if he got all the time in the world.
The fact that he was late to school doesn't  seem to change any of his daily routines rather reduce the time he spends in doing so. He got into the jacuzzi thub soaking his skin in the mixture of delicate perfumes and warm water already  arranged  for his bath. He was enjoying  the warm water soaking into his skin with a tv remote changing  from one channel to the  other until he came across a channel where  his father was being interviewed .

"I miss you dad" he said at the top of his lips as his eyes held so many emotions that portrait how he really missed him.

His attention  was still on the plasma set when he heard a knock from the first door  to his apartment. He knew it ,the person knocking is probably one of his disgusting maids (his words not mine)

"Who the hell is this trying to shorten my enjoyable moment"he groaned

"Whoever it is has to wait until I am done " he said again as he brought back his attention to the thub.

" I wish I could stay all day in the cocoon of this water,but the day awaits" he thought and hissed silently

Raising his hand,he took his favourite blue soap,and his blue coarse sponge as he began to wash his body thoroughly.

Few  minutes  later, he came out with a towel  round his waist and a small one clutched to his hand whistling and rubbing his beautiful curled hair . Walking majestically,he went into a room where  he rubbed his favourite lotion and spread  his whole body with perfumes. He combed his hair and also rubbed  its specific lotions and perfumes.
One glance at his hair, one will know that it's been taken care of to a limit of extravagance . He stood up once again and head to his walk-in closet where he met an ironed white long sleeve tee-shirt,a blue jacket with stripes of white and a dark blue sweatpants kept on a drawer. From all instances,that must be his uniform. His eyes fixed at the full length mirror,he got dressed in the uniform. Without moving an each he steadied his tie. He stood there for a while checking himself out before letting out a naughty smile.
After  adjusting his expensive gold rolex wristwatch, he glanced at the mirror for the last time and smiled

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