A very Long night🤭

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Hey everyone..it's me again! I'm back 😉


Their eyes darted from mine to the dowry before me.  Baffa am has placed the huge amount of money before me,claiming that he contributed for the dowry. I was dumbfounded,First luv wasn't saying a word,she looked lost as well. I want her to look at me,tell me what to do but no,she chose to keep staring at the floor as if that will sort things out.
Beauty on the hand wasn't helping things,she looked so relaxed still sitting on her bridal lounge one leg on the other.
Fact is no matter how she could pretend how untouched she is,how she really feels can never go unseen by me.
Shatuu,the devil was busy cocking her brows and smirking every now and then.
Gurl you haven't won yet!

I stood still as our Waliyai stepped forward. They went on with the proceedings,asking for the marriage,handing of the dowry and so on.
I can't let it happen, No!
I can never let it happen and with that new confidence. I took a step forward,my eyes bloodshot
With a furrowed brow and tense shoulders, I pace back and forth in the room. My face is flushed with anger, and my fists clench and unclench at my sides. I can't believe what just transpired at the event and how everything is still unfolding.

Fuming..I muttered to myself
Unbelievable! How could you all do this to me? To us?
Just before it all became a reality,just before the stupid girl was declared as my wife I stepped forward.

"Well, I won't stand for it! I won't be your puppet!"

I glared at the dowry  that lays on a table, a stark reminder of the event I angrily rejected.

They think they can just dictate my life? Force me into a marriage I never wanted?

I picked up the huge amount of money and crumpled it in my hand, my rage reaching its peak.

My words echoed through the room.
I felt betrayed, not only by my cousin and the elders but also by my own mother who couldn't stand up for me and by my own wife who couldn't fight for our marriage and finally by my emotions that I can't fully comprehend.

And to think I almost went through with it! Marrying someone I don't love, all for the sake of some outdated reason?

I threw the crumpled  bundle of money across the room, the rage now mingled with sadness and regret.
"Why can't you just let me be?
Why cant you all see that Beauty is my only wife and I'm never going to love anyone after her ?"
I bawled out anger taking the best of me,forgetting that I have my elders here with me.

As the weight of my actions settled with me. I went and sat next to Beauty sinking onto the couch, I buried my face in my hands. Tears of frustration and sorrow escape, betraying the depth of my emotions.
Now First luv is going to be blamed for my actions,I can't even imagine how hurt she must be.
I messed everything up. I hurt her. I hurt us.

I felt the heaviness of my anger dissipating, replaced by a sense of overwhelming loss and remorse. I know that I've let my  ego get the better of me, and it cost me the happiness of the woman I truly loves..my  First Luv.

I stood up,now focused on the only thing that matters. I took her hand in mine,without glancing at anyone I strutted to the grand door of the event center.
Although she was surprised but neither did she say a word nor stop following me.
I halted when I was few steps to the door before turning back.

"I dare anyone of you to marry me to someone I don't want,not only she will face the consequences but I'll make sure it cost you,your peace and happiness. I leave you all in  perfect peace!"
And with that I  dashed out living them all stranded.
It seems they have forgotten who Mr Zeed is,what he's capable of doing and the shit he's not capable of tolerating.
The guards immediately followed me out to the parking lot. Without a word I opened the back door and she stepped in.

A twist  of  hatred Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora