Chasing her!

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Beauty's POV's a Saturday. But a Saturday that's not like any other one.
This's my nikkah. I'm getting hitched,my life is getting acquainted to his.

To no one other than Yazeed,the so called Handsome whom my heart has never desired.
Having mixed feelings that sometimes I feel like jumping over the window and running away from it all. I'm not ready,I dont want him but nevertheless I stood still my legs fixed to the ground wavering and shaking . Cold tears dampening my eyelids..waiting for the deed to be done.
Waiting to be announce as no one other than Mrs Yazeed.
His lovely wife whom he loves a lot!
Note the sarcasm..
Ya Rabb!

I looked around my room which is nothing but noisy,well how can it be silent when I have clamorous and boisterous friends.
My room was completely full with girls that are so dear to me.
I raised up my head glancing at the mirror before me. There in the mirror is me cladded In a gorgeous bridal gown.
Fact is I know and admit that I look more than beautiful,on this day I looked gorgeous,exquisite and alluring.
My makeup was done by one of Falmata's apprentice.Falmata,she really did a good job. My skin is just glowing and gleaming. It was a vision of radiant perfection, exuding a mesmerizing glow that captivated all who beheld me as they said . Every inch of my complexion appeared flawlessly smooth, as if brushed by the gentle touch of an artist. My skin seemed to have an ethereal quality, as if it were lit from within, creating an enchanting luminosity that heightened my natural beauty.
In short I appeared natural but perfect.

A complex array of emotions swirled within me when I receive his message earlier revealing a bittersweet tale hidden beneath the surface.

Don't let this marriage be
I don't want it!

Behind the veil of joyous celebration, I carried a burden of uncertainty and conflicting feelings.
Though adorned in a wedding gown,my smile is masked in a tinge of darkness,for the person waiting to be called my husband doesn't have the key to my heart.

I felt the need to be alone so I strutted into the closet giving away fake smiles along the way.

All i wanted to do is to cry and out there,are people who actually believe that I want this marriage. So neither is it a good idea for me to cry before them nor behind them.
When I was alone,this feeling of loneliness overwhelmed me and the desperate tears rush down like an open river.
And then again my phone was a message from him again.

You are done for whore! Welcome to my hell!!

I broke into tears again,I bet this isn't like any other message every bride receives from her husband after their nikkah.
But well I'm always suppose to receive my fate,and this message it's my fate.

Innalillahii wa inna ilaihir raji'un
So I'm I really his legal wife now??

I wanted to cry so hard,fall on my knees and cry like my life depends on it. But some unknown courage made me wipe away the tears that were already smearing my makeup.

Not wanting for my stay to be long,I dashed out bumping with my aunts on the way.

"Ayiriirriii" the sounds of them yodeling beat my eardrums. They encircled me each and every one of them saying their words of congratulations.

"Congratulations my daughter your marriage has been legalized."

"You guys are stuck with each other till death insha Allah"

"Allah ya bada zaman lafiya ya kade fitina!"

In the midst of the festivities, my heart was heavy with a sense of longing, for the love i dreamed of seemed elusive in this union.
I was doing nothing but smiling at them,a smile that appears the opposite of what it really is.
Few minutes later all those aunts dashed out and I looked at my friends with my mournful eyes. Exchanging words with mere glances,they must have understood every gaze of mine as they urge me to calm down.
My classmate and friends all congratulated me as the photographer never cease to capture every moment.
It's a wedding that the whole world is aware of,the wedding that has the richest men in the world present. It's the wedding of the popular Mr Zeed,the son of the richest man and Iman the daughter to the popular empire of Dubai emirate.
The wedding between the son of the richest man and the daughter of a popular emirate is a grand and opulent affair that exudes extravagance and magnificence at every turn. From the moment guests set foot on the exquisite grounds of the venue, they are transported into a realm of unparalleled luxury.

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