A historical moment🫠

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I came back from the nearest mosque and everywhere was sparkling clean. Although it wasn't that dirty the previous day but i could still know when it's been cleaned. The incense is so Masha Allah
I smiled roguishly,it's kind of witty.
My one and only audacious,courageous and Confident wife is turning out to be cowardice and very paranoid.
She's already afraid of what I might do is she disobeyed me.
Immediately I stepped on the staircase,a delicate scent different from the one I perceived earlier bumped to my nose. The further I go the more the scent.
I thought it was coming from my apartment but to my outermost disappointment I was genuuhorrifief go find my room just the way I had left it, my few clothes hung and cluttered everywhere.

There I was thinking that she had surrendered,she's surely trying me. I grabbed my belt and scooted out of the room furiously. I went directly to her room which is in my apartment,yeah I also had a room in her apartment. The house has four parts,two up and the other two downstairs. I bathed in and saw her laying on her bed with the blanket closing her whole body.
Without a second thought I wiped it on her her but she didn't even flinch or shout as I expected. When I wiped for the second fh time what was beneath the blanket displayed itself.
Could you imagine? She made a fool outta me,I was beating pillows.
Yeah she arranged pillows In a human figure;in her figure.

"Damn it " I blurted to no one. I dashed out of the room and went around the house looking for her.
Unfortunately she was no where to be found,I asked the security guards if they had seen a glimpse of her and his reply literally made me froze.
How could she just disappear in the house.

"If she's still in the house then where the hell is she?"I asked a question which no one could give me an answer to.
We checked around the staff apartment but she still wasn't there. I was slightly getting worried.

"You may all go now?" I said dismissing the guards.

"But Sir.."

"Just go wherever she is,she will come out" I said and went inside,trying to brush away the fact that I'm worried about her whereabouts.
But no matter how I tried to not worrying ended up worrying.
The search was futile,and I wonder where she is.
The fact that the security cameras where switched off this morning made me more apprehensive.

What could just be happening?
I have to call the police, with the thought I went further into the general parlor.

My breath caught as the tantalizing aroma of food wafted towards me, catching my senses by surprise. I couldn't fathom its origin since I was certain that no one else was inside the house. A mixture of curiosity and anxiety swirled within me, and my stomach responded with a rumble of unease. The sensation was peculiar, and I couldn't shake off the feeling that something mysterious was afoot.

With cautious steps, I followed the scent, its alluring trail leading me further into the empty dining room. The unease in my stomach grew, mingling with a growing sense of wonder. Was it a playful prank or something more surreal?

As I ventured deeper, the aroma intensified, enveloping me in a blend of delectable spices and flavors. My imagination began to weave stories of unseen chefs and mystical kitchens, conjuring a world beyond the mundane.

The sound of clinking utensils and footsteps , filling the air with an eerie ambiance that heightened my senses. My heart raced, unsure of what to expect next. My mind was divided between fear and the allure of uncovering the enigmatic source of this alluring scent.
On the dining table were different dishes and form the kitchen I heard footsteps coming closer.

‎"صباح الخير يا زوجي، الإفطار جاهز"

"Morning my husband,breakfast is ready"

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