Becoming Mrs 💍

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"This is the least we could offer besides you ain't giving us any reason for us to invest in your corporation" Hassan said closing the folder in front of him. I closed my eyes and staggered back,he still hasn't sign the papers.

"Until you prove to us you are worth investing in I ain't gonna sign this" he said as a matter of fact.

"Sir,one more day please. I will change your whole perspective about us" I pleaded

"Well,one more day. Just one more day kam or else We are going for Zay's corporation" I gasped on the mention of that corporation, they were always our number one adversary. They was never any sort of amity between us.Dad's surely going to kill me once they won this over.

We all stood up and we shook hands with one another.
I then walked out followed by my team ,my shoulders were slumped down.
Truth is I'm agonized. I'm in such a great dilemma, I dunno which one to concentrate on more. The contract or Beauty? I'm not sure..

We badly want this contract,it's going to unite our company with theirs once it's a success.instead of me to have full focus I had been thinking of why Beauty's phone was switched off. I asked Handsome via mail but he didn't respond to me. He don't receive any call from me as well.I called First Luv as well but the call isn't goin at all.
Why can't I be so worried?,something must definitely be wrong over there. I just hope she's not in danger.

What if she isn't interested in me anymore

I thought as I rest my head on the back secretary was sitting at the front right beside my driver.
This is so hard for me.

"Ya Allah" I said brushing my hand through my hair.

"Sir you don't look focused at all and that's why we are losing this great opportunity." Mustapha went on with his complaint.

"Musty! I'm trying my best but this is getting out of hand"

"Sir he's calling you" he said and I took my phone from him. When he said he I knew he was referring to Dad

"Kamal,don't joke with me. You know how bad I can be. Mathew just called me. You guys haven't gotten the contract. And why I'm I seeing the Zay's update about winning the contract. I'm so going to deal with you if you don't t fix this mess. One more day,just one more day and if you don't fix this forget about being the heir to the bureau. Why are you not responding you fool. Reply to me when I talk to you" Dad bawled on and on. All the while my heart was throbbing,it was as if my heart will break through my chest. If I had talked while he was talking he would have ranted off as well.

"Yes sir,I will fix it Insha Allah" I quickly said my lips trembling. Fact has it that my Dad is no good news at all,he's so terrifying and always stick to his words.

"You better do" he said before ending the call.
I raised my chin before cupping the back of my head with my hands muttering Allahumma ishrahlee sadri wa yassir lee amree

Despite all of these,she was still in my mind. I still see her as the topmost priority,I really love her unconditionally.
I dialed her number but the result was still the same,it was switched off.
Minutes later my phone rang and I peered into the caller Id. It's Maa,I had to pick it not that she's going to say any good word to me.

"Maa" I called out

"Kamal what are you trying to cause upon our family, The Zayyans are already humiliating us on social media. By Allah if you don't make this work,I'm so gonna deal with you. Stupid boy"  she spatted before ending the call.

I sighed,all Maa is worried about is her personality getting ruined. She wants to a top  her female friends always,being at the top with no one to question her capability is all she wants
. Seeing the Zayyans below her is what gives her joy so I'm sure thinking of them winning over us will surely frustrate her. If one of the women in the Xayyans is to be seen with a designer bag or jewelry ,Maa always made sure she gets it for herself the next day. Despite all her effort Zeed's mom was always at the top. She's a woman of high esteem,no matter how Maa tries she couldnt exceed her level of  luxury . She was far above Maa's reach.

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