Leaving home🥺

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She was struggling to remove her pyjamas as the sleep she is fighting hard to run away from  is trying to get her back. She wrapped her pinky floppy towel around her torso and dashed into the lavatory. After untying it she got into the Jacuzzi bathtub and splashed the soapy warm water at her face all in effort to get rid of the sleep from her eyes.

"Ahhh" she sighed as the water sooths every part of her soft caramel glowing skin.
After taking her bath she untied her hair as it fell up to the buttom of her buttocks and comb it gradually with all care.
She handled everything gingerly as she spray a very ethereal hair spray  on her hair and apply some certain lotions.
In the blink of an eye there was nothing smelled from her body other than a pleasant odour of perfumes and body lotions combination.
She put on one of  her sporty outfit,a top which was very tight as it displays the steep part of  her chest and a skin tight which also shows the beautiful shape of her buttocks.
She let her long hair fall on her back and then tied it perfectly into a bun . She was just ready for her morning training,and didn't bother to pray subh because she is off-salat.
She was few feet to the exit of the house when she heared her mother shouting out her name.

"Imaan" she called for the umpteenth time

Iman halted and turned to face her mother who was dressed in a straight office gown and a veil draped over her head and shoulders.

"Why are you so naughty Iman? go and change this stupid dress or face my wrath. Cant  you see that your body is exposed " her mother scowled.

She protruded her lips obviously perstered.
One thing she hate very much is beign scolded.
Having no other choice than to do as her mother says she turned to go back into her room.

"As you can see I am already ready for work,the driver will take you to the airport by 4 pm make sure you get ready before then. Bye my daughter rihlatun saeeda wa inti bi aman(safe journey and stay safe)"she said engulfing her daughter into a hug.

Sometimes she wonders.. what kind of an uncaring mother dose she have,she goes to work at 6 some times even before she wakes up and comes back late in the night.
Iman sighed
"I'm so glad i'm leaving this boring place " she said ,her mood totally changing, her beautiful delighted face turning into a grimace .

She headed straight to the gym after changing her outfit.She hates being alone which is why she never do her daily exercise in their house gymnastics. She prefer going out, where she can meet up with people and interact with them.
She kept the bottle of water by her side and chit chatted with some friends .looking around she couldn't spot Amma

" She must be late" Iman thought and commenced her daily activities.
Within a stipulated time she was done ,sweat was comming out of her body profusely as she keep wiping her face with a handkerchief.
She was jogging back home when she spotted her friend and also her neighbour Amma who was heading to the gym.
"Hey Amma you are late today" she said

"Yep I am ,I slept so heavily that even my alarm could not succeed  in waking me up...

"Hhhhh you better make it snappy"


"Alright let me get going and you are stinking babe, better hurry and take a shower before that dog faint" she said pointing at a puppy right by our side and ran on her heels before I could get hold of her.

"I will get back at you" I shouted out because She has already gone quite far
She heard me which is why she stopped on her tracks.

"Where will you see me to take vengeance, are you not leaving today. I am going to miss your tantrums baby" she said looking at me one hand on her waist and the other one holding a bottle of water.

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