Let go!

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Success is not final,failure is not fatal,it's the courage to continue that counts-Winston Churchill

Don't miss out the small writeup at the end of the chapter please,endeavor to go through it Ohkay🤗

Khairy's POV

I begged him pleadingly,fear becoming a tangible,living force that crept over me like some hungry beast,immobilizing me;my brain,holding me captive. Terror sucks the very breath out of my mouth,it washed over me raising the fine hairs on the back of my neck. My lips were shaking.
At that moment I looked nothing but...vulnerable.
Was I really this weak?
Was I this scared of him?
I was paralyzed to the spot,his menacing aura holding me in a tightening grip.
It feels like any moment I can feel his hands crawling and tearing me apart.I wanted to switch of the call and just run for safety,but my fingers and feet couldn't allow me to do so.

When I begged,he kept mute. He was breathing so hard that I could feel every rise and fall of his breath.

"Don't..you..ever dare..". He said resting after each word and I'm sure he was gritting his teeth. My blood boiled and before he finished I quickly ended the call,switched off my phone and threw it over my bed. It jumped over and over before it finally crashed,I didn't care at all.
Warm tears rolled down my eyes.

Yesss...I really do love him.
It's not like I'm saying some joke,it hurts me that this is happening to me.
My heart hurts that because of a guy I'm ruining my relationship with my beloved sister.
Fact is I always wanted to have all that she has ,since from our childhood. Everything that Ukhtee has for herself is always what I want for my own self. But unfortunately when I grew to like something,at the end that particular thing becomes hers.
And for real I'm not willing to leave him to her,but now after this my conversation with him I'm having a second thought.

Yes! I'm scared of what he might do to me but that's not enough for me to give my love up.
My very own first true love,I've never loved a guy like I love him,I don't know how it happened. I didn't plan for it to happen,maybe or probably we were just meant to be together.
I don't want to hurt my favorite sister,but if it means to sacrifice her happiness before getting him then I'm willing to do so.

I'll break every part of you...

The words...his words rang in my ear just like how my heart pounded in my ears. In seconds I found my whole body trembling. I quickly went into my duvet,cuddling myself up.
My whole body convulsed as I woke up from the nightmare I just had.

I heard a high pitched scream,I didn't realize it was my own until much later.
A cold wave embalmed me as the hairs rose in the back of my neck and my mouth ran dry. Despite the efficient air conditioner, sweat poured down my body as still as possible.

I wasn't afraid nor was I frightened,what I felt was beyond such mere nouns!
A feeling of dread crept up from the pit of my stomach but despite all this not a second did I feel that I need to give up my love.

For my love is so true...it's not like some passing infatuation that I thought it was!

Days went by,all my efforts to get to him went futile. He doesn't seem to be online,I became worried. Thought that maybe he might be sick,so I went to Ukhtee. After three days of not talking to her,today..for him I'm willing to talk to her.

"Please!" I pleaded fervently

"Is this some sort of a pun or what" she asked  with a cackle. Like the whole thing seems like a joke to her.

"I'm being serious,don't take my words for granted"
I said my face void of any smile,I want her to know how serious I am.

She typed away on how phone before looking at me.

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