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Beauty's POV

Today is such a bad day, I'm so frigging bored.
First luv went home a couple of hours ago and I was all alone with the nurses and maids from home.
I watched a certain K drama till it was not fun anymore, played game and still I wasn't feeling any much better. Sliding into Watt pad, I got a new book which got me quite busy. The next time I looked at the clock it was prayer time, time really moves fast. I called for the maid's attention and she helped me with ablution and I prayed on the bed. I just finished praying when a couple of voices hit my eardrums

" Assalamu alaikum Beautynmu" I heard their voices saying in unison
Wallah am so happy to have them here, grinning from ear to ear I answered their salaam and ushered them in
" Sannunku da xuwa, Wallah am so glad you guys came. I was very bored" I said sniffing back fake tears and smiling at the same time Ashnaah smacked my back
" Mumu drama Queen" she said and they all laughed
" I must tell First luv you are breaking her Beauty again" I said eyeing them all and they laughed again

" Beautyn First luv how are you feeling now?" Ameey asked and I smiled

" I'm feeling so great, better than ever" I said gracing them with the sight of my complete white teeths

" Toh Masha Allah, get well soon my dear . Wallah we miss you, school is not fun without you at all " Ameey said and I smirked while Ashnaa playfully glared at me.

" Toh gist me, how's school . Tell me about all the interesting,annoying and exhilarating things that happened?" I asked curiously

"Toh mayyar gulma nothing funny happened" Ashfah said and I glared at her

"You are not the only one I asked Madam,so keep your mouth shut. I must hear what happened while I was away, that's a given"

" Go ahead and hear now, mtsww one girl dai is going to miss her exams" she said again teasing me

" I don't have your time Ashfy, all I want now is hot news oo" I winked at her and she laughed

They told me about all the gist , to some I laughed and to some I hissed 😂
" I just remembered something" I said hands akimbo glaring at them suspiciously

"What?" They asked and laughed

" What provoked you guys yesterday? I asked and their moods all changed "Am sure it has to do with Handsome and his friends right?"
They nodded their heads as they told me what had occurred ,and well I was right. It always has to do with them, sometimes I wonder why they are so  wicked and evil minded?

Bunch of immoral and rotten brats

"Wallahi am tired of this guys in my life ,am just so tired Habah "

"What's there to worry about Beauty, after all he's going to leave for school"

"Hmm that's when I'm going to  be in peace , they should all go to hell for all I care. Kamal is not going with them fh , I see he's disquieting me already.
He even held my hand blabbering all sort of gibberish wai Good night my love" I said frustratingly

"Where will he be seeing you for him to disturb you just forget about their existence and enjoy their absence my baby"Ameey said raising one of her eyebrows

" Insha Allah I won't let him see me for once in these whole six yrs. Just a simple degree in civil engineering wai 6 yrs, please tell me what's he going to be doing there if not demoralization and debauchery . Even here in Nigeria it's not up to 6 yrs talk less of there."

"Even if he was going to lie, he should have said 4 yrs"
" And First luv is letting him do all that he wants" I added

"Allahu shiryesu,hu'um!"
We chatted continuously until it was getting late and they had to leave.

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