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Another way Minerva finds out about Umbridge's detentions

"Harry? Harry?" I frowned when I came into his room. My boy is exhausted.

"Mmm?" Harry moaned.

"Wake up." I urged gently.

Harrys eyes fluttered open and his green orbs focused on me. "Hello Mum."

"Harry, why were you late?"

"Umbridge." Harry whispered.

"Besides Severus Ive never heard you hate a teacher." I commented.

"She makes Snape look like my favorite teacher. Snapes verbally abusive, while she is...." Harrys voice shook.

"Whoa, honey! What did she do?!" My concern rose to dangerous levels.

"Look in my mind. I cant say, she....bound me." Harrys eyes sparkled with unshed tears.

My eyes widened. "Are you ok with that?"

Harry nodded and his eyes flew to the floor. "Just do it, Mum."

I pointed my wand at my son.

"Come in Mr. Potter." Umbridge told my son.

Harry walked up to her desk, "Yes Professor."

Umbridge took out a pink feathered quill and said at once, "I need you to sign this."

"Why should I?" Harry asked.

"Its just a contract." Umbridge replied.

Harry shook his head. "Im not signing that. No other teachers here requested my signature on any documents."

"Ok then Mr. Potter, Imperio!" Umbridge shot at my boy.

Harry dodged the spell, "I thought I was here for detention, not dodging practice."

Umbridge sighed impatiently, "Well, Ill have to find another way." She aimed her wand and began to machine fire at my son the dreaded Imperius Curse. One hit Harry and his expression turned blank.

"Oh no!"

Umbridge smirked. "Now sign the contract."

Harry blinked a few times and bent to sign but paused. "No."


"I said no."

Umbridge hit Harry again. "Sign it."

Harry bent over and obediently signed the blasted document. I came behind him and read the document. It said to never tell anyone what happens in the detentions with Umbridge.

But it never stated to tell by memories. I watched in horror as Harry signed the contract with a Blood Quill.

"Good Mr. Potter. Crucio!" Umbridge yelled.

The spell hit Harry and he withered in pain, but to my surprise, Harry didnt say a word.

"Is that the best you can do?" Harry shuddered.

After a minute the witch relented. "Now, get going."

"Harry, was this the first time?" I asked when I pulled out.

"I cant answer that Mum." Harry answered.

"Hmm...may I reenter your mindscape?" I looked closly at my boy.

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