A Lethal Curse

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I heard a loud shrill scream coming from Myrtles bathroom. I dropped my book and ran to the source.

I came in to find Severus leaning over an unconcious boy. "What happened?"

Snape looked up at me. "Your precious son did this to Draco."

"What?!" I sputtered.

"I invented this spell, Minerva. I know the effects. He got his grubby hands on my old potions textbook. When I was 16, that book was like my journal." Severus stated.

"Where is my son?"

"No doubt switching out potions textbooks as we speak. Darn Slughorn." Snape growled.

"Will he be ok?" I gestured to pale faced Draco.

"Yes. Its very fortunate that I invented the spell here. I also know the counter curse. He will be fine. I need to get him downstairs now. Can you take him?" Snape asked.

I sighed, I know deeep down he cares for Draco even though he never shows it. "Yes. Ill make sure Poppy tends to him immediately."

"Thank you, Minerva." The man sounded relieved.


"What were you thinking?!" I demanded the second I saw Harry return to Snape.

"Mum! Malfoy almost used the Cruciatus Curse on me! I had to do something!" Harry protested.

"You could have stunned him, or disarmed him. Why in Merlin would you try a spell that was handwritten?!" I moaned.

"How did you know about that?" Harry demanded.

"Nevermind how I know! You could have killed a student! You are damn lucky you arent expelled! Come on." I took his arm and dragged him to his bedroom.

"What am I doing here?"

"You will serve detention with Professor Snape on Saturdays until the end of the year." I stated.

"Mum, what about Quidditch?"

"Ginny will have to fill in for you now. You made the choice to use that spell. A very stupid choice." I huffed.


"You are one extraordinary witch Minerva." Severus stated.

"Is that a compliment?" I asked slyly.

Severus groaned, "Dont get used to it."

"Trust me, I wont." I replied at once. "Are you ok with having my boy for detention every Saturday?"

Severus sighed, "You know I enjoy my solitude Minerva, but its my job."

"If only you could put your differences aside." I sighed.

"Never going to happen Minerva. Potter will always haunt me." Severus said shortly.

"No he wont. James has been dead for 15 years. You are letting yourself be haunted because your terrified of moving on." I snapped

"You don't know what..." Severus growled

"Im not finished!" I cut across. "Harry is not a bully. I raised him well enough so he wouldnt be. He has an amazing sense of right and wrong, something I admit that James lacked most of the time."

Severus groaned, "I didnt mean to ignite your mothers wrath."

I sighed impatiently, "My apologies, I didnt mean for it to come out."

"I insult your son a bit too much. But dont you get it? How can I not be tormented by Potter Jr? All he has to do is exist and it bothers me!" Severus growled.

I glared at him. "I remembet when James said the exact thing about you. The day your life turnrmed to hell."

Severus gasped, "you werent even there."

"I wasnt, but Pamona was. She told me everything that happened. Im not trying to shame you, but your childish grudge has been carried long enough." I stated.

"Perhaps your right." Severus sighed.

I sent Severus a small smile before heading back to my office.

"Mum?" Harry called the moment I returned.

I sighed, but waved my wand, openibg the door to his bedroom. "Yes Harry, what is it?"

"I didnt mean to use that dark spell. I didnt think a spell could do that." Harry explained

"That is why I taught you early on not to use a spell thats handwritten." I replied. "The spells in class are Ministry approved, the curse on Mr. Malfoy....is not." I stated bluntly.

"Who is the half blood prince Mum?" Harry looked up at me.

"Are you refering to the previous owner of your used potions textbook?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, do you know who he is?"

I shook my head, I dont need Harry to know about Severus' past. "Sorry Harry, I dont."

"His instructions helped me out way more than old Snape ever did." Harry continued on.

I mentally smirked, "Harry, why didnt you ever try and apply yourself in potions?"

"Mum, you know what Snape is like! He belittles us and tells us we stink most of the time. He gives no encouragement and no praise but to his House." Harry retorted.

"And yet despite all that, I thought you would fight to learn something. Like you fight each year to diffuse the dangers this school brings." I replied.

"Do you know why Snape hates my guts?"

"You are a spitting image pf your father, Harry. James Potter was a great man. But growing up, he was a bully, a big headed prat." I replied.

"Is Snape really being that childish to hold onto a grude for over 16 years?" Harry asked dumbfounded.

"Hes had a tough beginnig, like you did." I replied.


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