Remus Lupin

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I smiled to myself while Harry wrote his essay. He was in the bedroom that connects to my office.

A knock came at my door. "Hold on Harry."

I opened the door and smiled at  Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. "Hello boys, is there something I can do for you?"

"Sirius says you know where Harry is. Id like to talk with him, if thats ok." Remus stated.

"Yes, he stays with me during the summer, hold on." I gestured for both men to come in.

"Mum? Is something going on?" Harry asked when I came into his room.

"Do you remember me telling you about Remus Lupin?" I asked

"Yes, I do. Hes my fathers old friend. Why are you asking?" Harry wondered.

"Hes here, in my office. He wants to meet you." I turned to leave.

"Why havent I met him before?"

"Its hard for him to hold down a job. So, he travels a lot." I replied

Harry got up, "ok. Im ready."

"Good." I lead my son to my office where Remus and Sirius were.

"Harry!" Sirius exclaimed holding out his arms.

"Sirius, I didnt know you'd be here!" Harry grinned hugging the man. He then turned to Remus and held out his hand. "Its nice to meet you, Remus?"

The sandy haired man nodded. "Yes, thats my name. Hows life with Minerva?"

Harry shot me a worried look.

"I only told Remus that you stay with me during the summer." I cut in.

"Right, Professor McGonagall is amazing." Harry smiled.

"Yes, she is. Minerva, would it be ok if we took Harry to Diagon Ally?" Sirius asked

"Go right ahead. But I want him back by dinner, you hear?" I asked

Both men saluted in response. Harry sent me a greatful smile.


I sighed heavily when I finished my lesson plans for next term.

I went for a walk into the courtyard and bumped into Rolanda. "Im sorry Ro."

"Your fine, I need some help. A few of the brooms flew off."

"Sure thing." I smiled summoning my broom.


"Is it lonely staying in the castle during the summer?" Remus asked Harry

"No, I always have one of the teachers to talk to. McGonagall got me acess to the library too. Not the Restricted Section though." Harry huffed.

"A bookworm huh? Cant blame you there. I was the one with the booksmarts in our group. Remember Paddy?"

"Paddy? As in Padfooot?"

Sirius turned to Harry slowly. "Where did you hear that name?"

"The Weasley twins gave me this spare piece of parchment that turns into a..."

"A map!" Remus and Sirius whooped in unison.

"I was afarid you didnt inherit James' nature for trouble. But you did." Sirius released his bark laugh.

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