Patronus Lessons

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Remus does NOT know Minerva is Harrys mother. 

"Mum?" Harry stuck his head into my classroom.

"We are alone, what is it?" I asked impatiently since it was the time between classes.

"I asked Professor Lupin if he'd teach me how to repel dementors." Harry stated.

I smiled. "Very Ravenclaw of you. I bet you're tired of passing out whenever dementors come around."

"So true Mum. Are you ok with that?" Harry looked nervous.

"Of course, why?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No reason. I just thought you might like to teach me." Harry replied.

I sighed, "its great that Remus can help you with something. The man always had teaching potential."

"I promise to keep this..." Harry motioned between us. "Secret."

I smiled. "Thanks. Now Professor Snape waits for no one."


Harrys POV

The time had come for Harrys first patronus lesson.

Harry came into the Defense room nervous, yet excited. "Professor Lupin?"

"Hello Harry." The man smiled walking out of his office. "The spell Im about yo teach you is far beyond the ordinary wizarding level, its called the patronus charm."


I smiled to myself at the thought of Harrys lessons. It made me wonder if hes asked the man about his biological parents.

The next day at I was eating as usual when a voice caught my attention. I poked my head out of my office to hear Remus' voice.

"....hes got the talent of Lily and James. First try of the charm he made silver mist!" Remus exclaimed.

"That is impresive!" I heard Filius sqeak in approval.

A small smile slid onto my face. I knew my son would be amazing.


I was about to go to bed when the door to the Harrys room opened. Frowning, I opened the door to his room to find my son on his bed with his eyes closed.

"Harry? Are you ok?"

"Mum!" Harrys eyes snapped open. He laughed sheepishly. "I...had a rough lesson today."

I raised an eyebrow. "What happened?"

"I heard my father tonight." Harry replied after a moment.

That news rocked me. "Ok, how?"

"Lupin has me practicing the charm on a boggart, it turns into a dementor when it sees me. Anyway, despite it not being a real one, I still pass out like 90% of the time, and still hear Lily begging for mercy. But tonight was different, I heard Dad." Harry groaned.

I narrowed my eyes, "what is really bothering you? Usually you are so happy to hear stories about your parents."

"Hearing stories is one thing, but hearing theur terrified voices right before getting murdered..." Harry trailed off.

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