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"I think you are right to have Harry learn Occulamency. But I would prefer either Sirius or me to teach him. Making Severus do it might make it worse than better." I pleaded my case to Albus.

"You are his mother. Do what you think is best. However, I was hoping Harry and Severus would see that they are very similar during these lessons. Both have come from abused households, they are stubborn, and  been bullied." Albus answered.

"I know that by pushing the two together could make it worse, it has to happen naturally. Although Severus compares Harry to James' enlarged ego. Despite Severus' many talents, releasing of grudges is not one of them." I sighed.

"You are right Minerva. I will leave it to you." Albus dismissed me.

I sent a patronus to Sirius to ask him his opinion. "Harry needs Occulamency training, who should do it? Me or you?"



"Yes Mum, what is it?"

"You know how you've been having these flashes of emotions that don't belong to you?" I asked

"Yes, I cant take it. Is there a way to make it stop?" Harry complained.

"There is, and it requires hard work and dedication. Im afraid this is nessessary to do. If not, Voldemort might try and process you, or use you to spy on Dumbledore. Which none of us want. He knows you were in his mind the night his snake attacked Mr. Weasley." I explained and watched as Harrys expression became horrified.

"Ill do it. I refuse to be used by anyone  least of all my parents murderer." Harry replied.

I smiled, "im happy to hear it. Now, there are two people who can teach you. Sirius or me. Who would you like?"

"Was there someone else Dumbledore had in mind to teach me?" Harry asked which surprised me.

"There is. But that would not be a good idea." I stated firmly.

"And why not?"

"Its Professor Snape. I know how unfairly he treats you, which is why he's ruled out. This is too important for you to brush off or run from." I stated firmly

Harry smiled slightly, "you made the right choice, Mum."

"Ok, I have a few books I want you to read before we start." I waved my wand and two textbooks soared into Harrys lap.

Harry groaned, "fine, Mum. I'll read them. And I'd like you to teach me."


"Are you ready, Harry?" I asked him after a few days of reading.

"Im just a tad nervous. You will see my memories, right?" Harry chuckled.

"Only flashes and be warned, it will hurt. But I promise to be gentle." I reassured him.

"Mum, Im ready, just do it." Harry squeezed his eyes shut.

I pointed my wand, and entered his mind. I found it to be very creative. Could Harry already know a bit? I see memories embedded in bubbles that are all around me. But looking closer I see the bubbles are color coded, interesting.

At once, I began to feel a push, "thats good Harry, keep going." I encouraged.

The push got a bit stronger, and then it stopped. I pulled out to find Harry panting.

"Wow, that was hard."

"You did good for your first try. I will give you two minutes rest and we will go again."

"Ok Mum."


A week superficial attacks, I guided Harry into deeper attacks. These lessons are proving more taxing on Harry.

"Did you see everything I saw?"

I shook my head, "small flashes."

At once Harry blushed, "lets go again."

I studied my boy hard. "No, you're done for today. We will resume tomorrow." I waved my wand and a tea tray with small sandwiches came flying into the room.

"Thanks Mum." Harry sent me an exhausted smile.

"Your welcome. Eat up, then its time for a nap."

"Yes, Mum."


fter Harry ate,the poor boy passed out. I looked at him and smiled.

The next day  we went again. But this time, Harry came out with a splitting headache.

"Mum, stop please!" Harry cried in pain.

I grew worried, "Harry, whats wrong?"

"I feel an attack on my mind, at the same time as your attacks!" Harry winced.  His eyes shot open and he ground his jaw. "No!"

I watched as Harry screwed up his face and concentrated hard. I subtly moved out of his field of vision. If Voldemort is spying on us now, Im not safe.

"Harry?" I asked in a low gruff voice.

Harry finally released a deep sigh of relief. "Im ok Mum, He wanted in. But, I stopped him for now."

I grinned, "thats great! You've done enough for today."

"Ok Mum."

I knew with the right measures, Harry and I would survive this war. We have to.

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