11. Freaks of the Industry

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I'm more than a handsome face, great body, and big dick. One day she will know. Big Axe

"Hit me up after my show, baby."

"Baby?" He knew Jae hated when he called her that, but he loved it.

With a tilt of his head and a smirk on his lips, he watched Jae Stone in the men's dressing room looking right at home. Only two other guys were there with him. Brick Black and Mr. Python, but they were not competition for him. Jae was all his, they better keep their eyes off.

"Are you staying for my show?"

"Wouldn't miss it." She gave him a sexy smile and rubbed her hands down his super oiled bare chest, down to his custom-made by her sister, tear-away jeans. Her fingers slid inside the fitted jeans and his dick jumped.

Jae Stone did that to him with just a small touch.

She moved her hand. "I better go."

That sexy woman turned and sashayed away as he watched her little round ass in the tiny shorts she wore and imagined stripping them off later tonight and burying his face in the crack of her ass.

But then Jae walked up to Brick and gave him a flirtatious giggle, rubbed down his chest then roughly grabbed his dick in her hands. He was boiling mad. He could not believe Jae was groping another man right in front of him.

He started to jump up and tell her how foul that was when Python held a hand out to him.


"Don't what? That's my girl."

"Your girl? That is the boss' daughter, you're just fucking her." Python, real name Antonio Baldwin, was one of the smaller guys that worked at Sextacy. What he lacked in height, he made up in his dance moves, because the ladies loved him. He had no interest in them, he was gay and out.

He let Jae be. Maybe she was hyping up the other dancers, she did help run the business with her parents. A therapist, helping the dancers make sure they were mentally on top of things.

That's how he first met Jae, going to see her because he was stressed over ending a long-term relationship. Then he started one with her. Maybe it was wrong, it sure was not professional, so he stopped going to her as a patient. He could date her if he wanted.

The stage was his place, his home away from home. He never thought he would become a stripper. He had a plan for himself, he wanted to start his own business. Construction because he was good with his hands.

After dropping out of high school at seventeen and leaving his parent's home, he ran the block, getting into trouble, robbing and stealing from people. Never into the drug scene. He lived couch to couch for a few years, or sometimes even outside on the streets.

Till a lady picked him up from the streets and Pretty Womaned him. Took him to her house, cleaned him up, dressed him nicely, and would fuck him all night. He was not complaining. She paid him well and took care of him.

The whole time using him for his body, but ashamed to be seen in public with him. That's when he decided he needed to make his own way and was approached by several females asking him if he was a stripper. He never thought of doing something like that. He did not know a thing about stripping other than taking off his clothes.

But he went to an open audition at a smaller club and they loved him. Within a month he earned enough to get his own place, for the first time in his adult life at twenty-four.

Then Alixandre came to see him and offered him a deal he could not resist to work at Sextacy, the biggest club in East St. Louis. It was there that he perfected his stage show. It was not about simple dancing and taking off clothes. In fact, he did not get totally nude.

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