42. Sex Shooter

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"I hate men. I never wanted to be with a man until Lix came along. They swing their dicks and think they run the world. " Rosaline Stone

Business as usual and there was a lot to get done.

Rosaline still had to manage her girls and guys on the stage through everything that was going on. The police still out there looking for the killer, or killers, and the baby still missing. Her husband's baby.

If she was sure it was Lix's. They would do DNA testing when the baby was found.

For now, she busied herself with keeping the ladies calm and the men on top of their game. Ms. Mystical was one of them, they were not too familiar with Sabrina. She did not work for Sextacy, although she was often there enjoying all that she could. There should be no connection between her and the club.

Her daughters were focused on the business as well, and also keeping watch on their father. As if Lix needed their protection. He was paranoid that Frederick was after him and had more undercover guards surrounding him and the girls. He had nightmares at night, still probably envisioning the sight he saw finding Ms. Mystical's bloody body next to him.

Lix was from the street life, but he was not as street as he pretended.

She was about that life.

A knock and she looked up from her thoughts. It was her oldest at the door to her office.

"Mom, Dad's losing it. He should be home. He should not be seeing patients. The ladies have voiced their concerns to me. They think...I think they believe he did it." Jae walked in and sat on top of her desk.

"Get your ass off my desk, child," she said to her. "And if they think that, they don't know Lix at all and should not be working here. Who said that?"

Jae pulled up a chair and sat. "Mom, patient confidentiality."

"Then answer this, do you think your father would kill not one, but two women he was sexually involved with?"

Jae blinked hard before she said anything. "Daddy was fucking your girlfriend?"

"Oh, please child, she was both our little playtoy."

Jae did not even blink when she said, "Then maybe you did it."

She could back smack her child saying that to her. She jumped from her chair. "You give your father the benefit of the doubt then accuse me? How are you my child?"

Jae stood, smirked at her, and leaned over the desk. "Because daddy may have the degrees, but you're a lot smarter than anyone thinks. I know, I have the both of you in me."

Her daughter had a point.

"Do you have work to do, or will you continue to accuse me?"

"Get Daddy to leave, Mom. I know you can, he does whatever you ask him to do. It's like you have a spell over him. Voodoo. Whatever it is, he needs to stay away from Sextacy until he is cleared...and he will be because I'm on the case." Jae looked her over. "And everyone is a suspect in my eyes."

"Except your father."

"Yeah, that." Then Jae walked out of the office, leaving her to think.

Maybe she was right, Lix should not be at work. He could run the business of the company at home, but seeing patients, in their most vulnerable stage, stripped and legs wide open, may not be so good. And if one of the ladies thought he was capable of murdering one of their "sisters" they would not continue to see him as their gynecologist.

Business could suffer.

She sat in her chair and texted Lix.

It only took a few minutes and he was in her office. Dressed in his doctor's coat with dark slacks underneath. That meant he had just seen a patient, or he was about to.

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