38. Sexual

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I would do anything for her. Anything! Axton

It was all over the news what was happening with the deaths of Ms. Mystical and another woman connected to the Stone family. Jae did not tell him anything, he found out on his own. That made him upset that she did not trust him enough to confide in him. She dodged his phone calls and ignored his text messages, so he decided to show up at her place.

He brought a bottle of her favorite wine and a dozen red roses. He thought he was being romantic but she instantly started yelling at him when she opened the door.

"You can't just show up here Ax! I didn't say you could come over. I could have been in the middle of business or-"

"Family business?"

"What does it matter to you?"

"Jae, I heard, I wanted to be here with you."

She huffed and stomped her little sexy foot at him. "I had family staying with me. My sister and her baby, and you just came to fuck!"

He set the flowers and the wine on the table. "First of all, that ain't the only thing I'm into you for Jae. You're my girlfriend, you can open up to me."

He looked around her place. "Your sister and nephew still here?"

"Do they look like they are still here?"

She stormed away from him, towards her kitchen. She stopped and spun on her heels, came back toward him and grabbed the bottle of wine, and walked away again.

"Jae, you wanta talk?"

"Let me get a couple of glasses of this in me."

She put that bottle in the freezer and grabbed another one out. He walked to her, took the bottle from her, found the bottle opener, and opened it for her. She waited near holding her wine glass to him.

Despite her attitude, he could tell she was stressed. The quiver of her lip, the twitch in her eye, the nervous way she tapped her foot to the floor. That was not the Jae he knew.

He poured wine into the glass about halfway. She looked at it as if asking for more, but he stopped.

"Here, take this," she said to him, handing the glass of wine to him. She grabbed the bottle from him. "Since you're being stingy."

She put the bottle to her lips and drank straight from it.

"Jae, come on, drinking doesn't solve anything."

"My house, my rules." She walked away from him pulling off the dress she wore.

He took a sip of the wine but he needed to be clear-headed talking to her. Seeing her undress, he wanted to take her to the bedroom, but that's not what she needed right now.

"You gonna fuck me, or what?"

He sat the wineglass down on the counter, he definitely did not need it tonight. "Jae, come on, I think you need to just talk, let it all out."

He took her arm and led her to the living room area where the television was on and she was watching porn on the large built-in the wall TV. Not any porn, she watched an orgy going on. Several women and several men going at it in every way possible. He grabbed the remote to cut it off, but she snatched it from him.

"No! I need this! To help me relax."

"No, you don't." He took the remote from her and cut the television off. He sat on the sofa and pulled her on his lap. "Baby, tell me what's going on with you. That's why I'm here. I brought you flowers and your favorite wine. Whatever else you need from me, that's why I'm here."

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