24. Darling Nikki

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I was never in love with my husband, I was in love with her, I would do anything she wanted. Nicolette Chambers

She wished she was in love with her husband, but when she looked at him she only saw dollar signs

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She wished she was in love with her husband, but when she looked at him she only saw dollar signs. Mo money, mo money, mo money. Not saying that he was an unattractive man because the man was F.I.N.E. Not saying that the man did not put down work in the bedroom, because he put in work like a boss.

But that was not enough to fall in love with him. That was enough to pretend well, get the ring, have the ceremony, and pretend to be blissfully married to him for all these years. She should win an Academy Award for the "Love You's" she whispered to him during their lovemaking, or the happy homemaker she pretended she was by having dinner prepared for him when he was home. Nothing a good house manager couldn't do and pretend she did all the cooking and cleaning.

He was a millionaire, why should she labor away in the kitchen and break a nail, sweat, or get dirty cleaning his funky underwear?

He thought she was a dumb, naive young thing when he met her, but she was already up on the game. He wanted to marry her because she looked like Rosaline. He wanted to marry her and have the American dream, a wife, two kids, a mansion and five cars in the garage and a private plane, and several vacation homes. Oh, and a dog named Spot.

The dog died.

She had a baby when she was seventeen and quickly gave it away before she even knew what sex it was. She was not ready for kids then and she had no plans for them now. She was on permanent birth control, she was not birthing any more babies.

It was nice having a gynecologist in Rosaline's family. Someone who would not run their mouth about her business.

Although Frederick and her "tried" many, many times to get pregnant, nothing in their testing said anything was wrong. He truly believed if they kept trying they would have a baby.

Her child was out there somewhere, twenty-two years old now.

She was thirty-eight years old, too old to try and be a grown person's mother now. Wherever he or she was, she hoped they were having a nice life.

As for her, money made her happy. If she had to lie and fuck a man she loathed to get it, she would lay there and take it.

"Hey darling," she heard when Frederick entered their bedroom as she did her nightly ritual, showered and body sprayed down, lathered in Creme De la Mer face cream, now brushing her hair while sitting naked in front of her wall-sized mirror.

Hearing his voice made her cringe, but now was her time to perform.

"Hi there, sweetheart."

She smiled and welcomed his kiss as his hand dropped to her perfectly round breast and cupped it. "You smell good."

He smelled like money to her. What an attractive man. Most of the women she knew would open their legs to him, and maybe they did. Frederick was the kind of man that could have any woman he wanted. He only fell for her because of who she looked like. Poor shame the man was in love with a woman that would never love him.

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