37. The Suspects

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"Who the fuck is going around killing people close to us?" Jae yelled at her sisters while they were all at her condo, locked in under their father's orders

"Hold up, I know you need to calm the fuck down yelling at us like that?" Erica held her baby, rocking him in her arms as he slept.

"I feel sick," Kendra ran off to the bathroom.

Jae was going to be sick to her stomach as well. They just heard the news about what happened to Sabrina, one of their mother's close friends. Jae knew it was more to their relationship, but she was not sure her sisters knew. It did not matter in this instance. She liked Sabrina, she was a good friend. They hung out several times.

"Ugh! This makes me so angry I want to kill somebody!"

Her little sister side-eyed her. "I don't know if that is appropriate to say."

"I couldn't harm a flea, you know I'm just saying shit."

She sat, arms across her chest, foot nervously tapping the floor. She did not like this at all. This was not random, not when her father was lying in bed in a pool of the victim's blood. This was personal and this was directed at her family. First her father's secret plaything, now her mother's playtoy girlfriend. Who was next?

"We have to solve this."

Erica scoffed at her. "What do you mean we? Do I look like the FBI or something? Girl, bye!"

Kendra walked back into the room rubbing her face. "I feel like crap."

"Aaw, poor tink tink," Jae said to her sister.

Kendra sat beside her and rested her head on her shoulder. "I don't know if I'm built for this baby shit, da fuck?"

"Oh please, if I did it, you can," was Erica's reply.

She rubbed her sister's shoulder. As much as she gave her grief, she was the big sister and she always had her sisters' back.  They grew up close despite being a few years apart. She was always a second mother to them, punishing them when needed when their parents were not around.

"You can do this. Everything happens for a reason, so I know you can. Have you told Desmond yet?"

"No. Really not a good time."

"You gotta make time."

"I'm so scared it's not his."

"Well, deal with that when you need to. Now back to this murder mayhem. Who do you think did it?"

"Hold on, let me put Drake to bed in the crib and I'll be back." Erica headed off to put the sleeping baby away, and good thing because her loud talking could wake him.

Her spare bedroom had a portable that her parents insisted she have at her place for instances like this. Her sister and kid needed a place to crash and they wanted alone time in the house. Fair enough, long as it was not her kid she had to take care of, she did not mind sometimes handling her nephew. With maybe another one on the way.

Better them than her.

Erica came back with a baby monitor in hand. She went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine and some glasses.

"Oh shit, Kenny you can't drink. More for us," she said as she poured two glasses.

"Aren't you breastfeeding?" Jae asked.

"Hell no! He's ten months now and on formula and baby food. He's good."

Erica walked over and handed her a glass of wine. She took a gulp before she went on.

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