39. Climax

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I don't want to give her up, and I won't give up his dick. Desmond Turner

"Babe, we need to talk."

Things had been going so well between his wife and him. They were not having much sex but their relationship was more than that. He agreed to not see his "side chick" as she called it, and she would make more time for him.

Since everything going on with the Stone family, he was on high alert. He was asked...no demanded by Alixandre Stone to keep an eye on Kendra at all times, as much as he could. He knew Lix had security always guarding their place, and he was home with her when he was not at work. Kendra was not working much, staying home and being moody, but not towards him. Moody for no reason.

He was sure he was about to hear her whine that he was not doing enough to save their marriage.

"What's going on?"

They were locked up inside the house since they had to be incognito. He was getting anxious. Personally, whoever was killing people in the name of the Stones, it was about Lix, not him. Was he worried for his wife? Sure, but she had nothing to do with Lix and his family's wrongdoings. He knew their history of crime. Lix was not as clean as he made himself out to be.

He was a lawyer. It was his job to know the lawbreakers surrounding him. The only reason Sextacy and Sextacy II were in operation was that crooked cops looked the other way. Or come in for a couple of freebies sometimes. Women and men selling their bodies for sex, no matter how they spun it, were illegal.

"It's been a crazy few months for us, Desmond," Kendra stated, looking down at her perfectly manicured nails.

They were in their bedroom. Kendra sat on their bed, in a long t-shirt she usually slept in. Her hair was pulled back up in a bonnet. Face clear of makeup, freshly washed and moisturized, she looked like sunshine on a cloudy day. No, like a rainbow with a golden treasure at the end. Seeing how beautiful she was naturally, he remembered why he fell in love. Kendra Stone was the sexiest woman he ever laid eyes on.

Kendra went on to say, "I feel like I'm to blame for things going bad...I did some things I shouldn't have-"

He stopped her talking and pulled her in his arms, kissing her as his hand fondled her ample breasts he loved.

"Babe, we don't have to talk tonight, we can do whatever you want." She was getting a rise out of him, something that rarely happened, but he wanted to fuck, if she was down for it.

"Dez," she moved away from him in the bed. "Let me just tell you this one thing."

"About your father? He has a good legal team. My firm is the best of the best, I know those guys. I don't want any of his blowback to come haunt you or anything we do. You work at Sextacy but everything you do is legit."

"Desmond, just listen! This has nothing to do with the club, or my father, or what's going on."

She jumped out of the bed and walked away from him. He watched her ass as it walked away, not paying much attention to what she was trying to say.

"I should have told you soon as I suspected, but I...well...remember when we...Oh my gosh, why am I so nervous trying to tell you this?"

"Tell me what?"

She turned to him, smiled, and said, "I'm pregnant."

He could not have possibly heard her correctly. Too busy watching her ass and getting aroused, the blood from his brain clearly not firing on all cylinders. Pregnant? Is that what she said?

"Des? Did you hear me? I said I'm pregnant."

Was she saying this to him right now?

"Oh, okay, you must be upset because-"

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