34. T-Shirt and No Panties

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I don't know about my sisters, but all I need is one dick at a time. Erica Stone

"It ain't mine!" Erica quickly yelled out to her mother holding the pregnancy test. "Drake's not even one, are you crazy?"

"Your baby daddy is a baby maker," her mother said "Erica, there is a thing called birth control. Why would you even-"

"I said it's not mine!" She looked at her two older sisters sitting there all quiet, pretending as if they were not going to jump in and save her. "Jae! Kendra!"

"What? Why are you yelling at me?" Jae proceeded to pour juice into a glass and sipped it quietly.

Her sister was just going to pretend she was not having sex with Big Axe all over the place last night making enough noise to wake the dead. She knew her mother was stonecold out after getting drunk, but nobody wanted to hear that. She put on headphones and took some melatonin to fall asleep.

"Tell Mom it's not mine!"

Jae threw her a stank face. "How do I know that? Girllllll, you's a baby-making fool."

"Two babies in diapers! Ay-yi-yi!" her mother went on and walked out of the room with a huff.

"So y'all just gonna let mom think it's me. I ain't pregnant. What the fuck?"

"No shame in having another kid, kid," Jae said then laughed.

"It's mine!" Kendra blurted out.

Both she and Jae froze as they stared at her. She did not know what to expect. Of course it was Kendra's. She was happily married to the man of her dreams. She was sure she wanted a family, so there was nothing wrong with that.

"Well, congratulations-" Jae started to say, but Kendra interrupted her.

"It may not be Desmond's."

"WHAT?" Jae and Erica yelled out.

"Have mercy!" Jae ran out of the room to the bar and grabbed a couple of bottles of wine and champagne. "This calls for something strong."

She poured a little champagne, then some wine into her orange juice. She took a long sip, holding her throat as the bubbles tickled her, then added more champagne to the glass.

"Okay, the tea...or the mimosa if you will."

Kendra ran her fingers through her hair. "Why should I tell you two anything, so you can judge me?"

"Because we're your sisters." Erica pulled up her chair beside her sister. Of the two, she always thought Kendra had her shit together. She set her sights on a good dude, got the ring, and married him. What could have possibly gone wrong?

"Okay, sis getting dickety dick dicked dowwwnnn!" Jae laughed out. "How many? Please tell me several and you have no damn idea whose baby it is. Two dicks in one, hope you tried that."

"What the hell are you talking about?" she said to Jae. "Nobody is a hoe ass but you."

"Girl, bye! Her ass is married and still getting extra dick, and I'm the hoe ass? Ain't no rings on my finger, I can have a smorgasbord of dick like I'm at the buffet, sampling them all, one for every hole."

"Ugh!" Her sister was a mess. "Jae, you need therapy."

"Fuck you! I am a therapist and sex is good, everyone fucking loves it, so why not have it, whenever, wherever, whoever."

"Like all last night?"

Jae smiled big showing her pearly white teeth. "Oh, you heard? That dick is an energizer bunny. It keeps going, and going and going, and going..."

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