31. Sex Therapy

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I am good at what I do. I know the inner workings of sex. Jae Stone

Mondays was her busiest day at work. The ladies were off and needed to vent their horror stories over the weekend. Few of the male strippers thought they needed "therapy" so she currently had none on her schedule.

First up, Dye-Monde came to her scheduled appointment. She thought Dye-Monde was a cut above all the rest because she looked at the work as a business and desired to do other things once she stacked up enough money. She was not college-educated, but smart and had goals. Pretty girl but did not have to use her looks to get the things she wanted, she used her brain.

As always, her brown skin glowed. That shimmer of cocoa butter on her skin was undefeated, making her skin look pale in comparison. Beautiful to her, and if she liked licking pussy, she might be between her thighs now.

Yet, she was her patient, she had some ethics.

"So Jae, I know I always say I'm going to quit soon...err'time I come to see you, right? But for real, I'm going to quit soon." She lay out on the patient's sofa as if she was home talking to one of her girlfriends. If they were not therapist and patient, they could be friends. Her long dark locs cascaded over the arm of the sofa, she stared up at the wall as she talked.

She made sure her face showed no emotion as she listened. Dye-Monde always had a plan. Milk the richest baller for their money, leave them high and dry when she could not get another dime from them. She was a paper chaser, and there was nothing wrong with that. If guys were willing to give her the money, it was her right to take it.

"Okay Dye-Monde, you have enough money stashed away you can start something on your own?" She never needed to take notes with her patients, she had a great memory and recorded each session in case she needed to go back to it.

"No...I mean, maybe." She examined her long nails before going on. "There's this guy and he is fine, sexy, all that. Has a lot of money and...wait..."

She suddenly stopped talking, sat up, and looked at her strangely.

"Go on. What about this guy? Another mark?"

"Hmmm? Oh, no, he's not a mark. He's different."

"But he's rich and likes spending it on you. Okay, how is that any different than any other guy? Except maybe this time you get enough you can quit working here and do something else."

"Well no...I think I can go into business with him. See he uh..." She hesitated again, whereas she was always an open book with her. Some clients were embarrassed by some of the sex things they did, hence why they came to see a sex therapist. Never Dye-Monde, she was freaky and proud of it.

"What? Why are you suddenly nervous talking to me? You tell me everything from how you lick the cum off old heads' balls to fingering their assholes. I know you like the kink."

A smile crept over her glossed lips. "Girl, I like sexy playtime, that's all, I don't do freaky shit unless they ask."

"Tell me why this mark is getting you out of the business. My family business that you make a lot of money doing."

"First of all, let's not call him a mark. I said he's different. Secondly, I told him about my business idea and he wants in."

Dye-Monde told her about her business idea before and it was not a bad idea. A sex-toy store. They did big business nowadays, everyone was down with a little extra in the bedroom. She had toys and was sure both her sisters did as well. She had self-pleasure toys only meant for her. If a guy needed a toy to get off, he better bring his own.

"Sometimes it's not wise to mix business with pleasure," she told her.

"I trust him." She smiled sneakily, a finger in her mouth. "Plus I had the wildest two-day sex freak show ever in my life with him. He was made for this."

She would miss Dye-Monde when she left Sextacy, but she knew another would come in her place in no time. They had a waiting list of dancers that wanted to work for them when a spot opened up. When she was in charge, very soon, she would open a third location and still could not hire all the strippers on that list.

Later in the day she was shocked to see Cherry Jane come by to see her because they did not have an appointment. She left the club shortly after their last appointment, but she told her to come to see her any time she needed.

"Hi, Cherry Jane!" She greeted her with a hug. She looked good. Her flaming red hair which was her signature, was back to her original color, dark brown, and she wore less make-up with made her look even younger than her twenty-one years, and she dressed in simple jeans and a large, oversized tank top.

"You can call me my name now, Jewel, since I don't need my stage name."

"Okay, Jewel, nice to see you. Come sit down."

She could not get over how great she looked. Like a different person. She sat on the patient's sofa, and Jae sat across from her like always.

"How are you doing? Everything okay?"

"Great, better than okay, and I owe that all to you."


"Yes. I didn't think I was ready to give up working here until you opened my eyes that I could do more. I'm still in college, I'm not dating that guy anymore, he was a loser. Into me because I was a stripper and thought I would just sleep with him...and his friends on demand."

Nothing the ladies said ever shocked her.

"Oh." She knew Cherry Jane jumped the gun on that one, but there was no convincing her when she fell in love so easily.

"I've moved on from that. I need to find the root of all my problems. My parents."

"Most of our deep-seated issues start with our parents. Either in how they raised us or something psychologically embedded in us."

She knew this to be true by looking at her father and his bloodline. Her grandmother, her aunts, and her uncles, all sex addicts. While she did not consider herself one, she knew how to spot one. If she was a sex addict she would want it more than the few days a week she craved it.

Then again, maybe she was. She knew how to control it so she did not have fifty-eleven kids like some others in her family. She was pretty sure her father had more kids out there, whether he knew about them or not.

"You don't talk about your parents much."

"Because they are not the reason why I chose to strip. Well, not them specifically."

"Help me to understand what you mean."

"My parents were great, loving, ordinary, always there for me until they dropped a bomb on me recently."

She had many questions, but let Cherry continue. She loved that she got paid to listen to others talk and she prided herself on being a good listener.

"My parents are not my real parents. They recently told me that."

"Okay, so you're adopted. And sounds like you were raised by a good family."

"I was. But the thing is, I want to know who my real parents are. I need your help."

Damnit! Was this girl going to wind up being her sister? Or related to her somehow? Her father did not know his sperm donor, but she could tell he was bi-racial. Her father was mixed with something, more likely white. If he fucked a white chick and had a baby they would be lighter than her for sure and could pass as white.

Looking Cherry over now with her darker hair, she had to wonder.

But she was pretty sure her father fucked all the strippers in the club that was not family. Could he have...

Her thoughts went there and stopped before she threw up everything she ate in her lifetime. This girl had better not be her sister!

A/N: Tying together some storylines, just wait for it.

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