50. Come

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I've become a millionaire several times over, but take all my money away, not my family. Alixandre Stone

He had no issues with his baby brother getting into the sex game business. There was plenty of room for sex toys and sex rooms and making sex fantasies come true. He only wished he thought of it himself.

It was enough managing the two strip clubs and the bar. His medical practice was taking a sidebar, all his patients now going to his niece. The day-to-day operations of Sextacy were being handled by his daughters and they seemed to be doing well without his help.

That was okay by him. An early retirement at fifty did not sound bad. He knew when he was ready totally step away from the business he built, he was leaving things in good hands.

Only one thing. His son.

He needed his son. The police seemed to not even care about the matter, or at least they were not telling him much.

"Rosie," he rubbed her shoulder as he held her. "My family does not feel complete without him."

Prince was an innocent child in all of this. Why would someone take him? It had to be Frederick. He would kill him on sight.

"I know not knowing where he is every day is killing you inside." She wrapped her arms around him as they lay in bed. "Tell me what you need me to do?"

"Just be here with me Rosie. You're the love of my life. I couldn't do all this without you."

"Good, because you are stuck with me." She planted a kiss on his lips.

He thought he was done raising kids after Erica. Three sounded nice and when he was not blessed with a son, that felt about right to him. He knew he would raise three badass daughters that never took anything from a man. He wanted them to live on their own terms.

They seemed to have all done that. Erica, still so young and wild, he would not change anything about her. She grew up spoiled rotten and with everything she ever desired but for some reason she loved the streets. It was no wonder she fell for a street pharmacist. As long as she knew how to balance those lives together and took care of his grandson. She was on her way to great things.

Kendra surprised him the most with her business acumen despite being more creative all of her life. She had the intuition to run the business one day. Whatever she did not naturally know she was a fast learner. Hopefully, her baby, his next grandchild, would not be Frederick's.

Of course, Jae was his spitting image in a female form. Born to be a boss and run the empire. Whenever he chose to leave he was leaving it in good hands with her, and not simply because she was the oldest. Jae lived and breathed Sextacy.

He hoped she would settle down and choose a partner that would help her in life. Someone who complemented hers, not took away from it.

"I want a taste of you."

Lix turned Rosaline on her back, holding her arms above her head as he nibbled on her neck. She squirmed a bit as he made it down to her breasts, kissing them, sucking on each nipple.

"You're taking too long to get to the good part," Rosaline said with a moan.

He chuckled at her but finished his slow crawl over her body, kissing down her stomach till he reached her belly bottom. He licked around it before going further.

Time to show her why he was called Lix. He licked everything, not missing a spot of her. Around and around, inside every crevice, he wanted all of her. His tongue penetrated inside, digging deep to find the right spot that would lead her body into convulsions.

She orgasmed in his mouth and he sucked and swallowed her up urging on more as he was so hungry for her. He made her orgasm again and again till she screamed out she could not take any more.

Finally, he stopped pleasing her and made his way back up, kissing the same trail till he reached her neck.

"I love you, Rosie."

"I love you too, Lix."

He wanted more of her, make love to her all night but just making her come several times in a row had her out for the count. She snuggled next to him and was fast asleep while he lay there dick so hard he had to pleasure himself to reach orgasm. He knew his love would satisfy him in the morning.

Sometime in the early morning, they were awakened by loud knocks on the door.

"Who the fuck has no sense in their head to disturb me!"

Lix stepped out of bed and grabbed his silk robe that lay in a nearby chair. He looked over at Rosaline sleeping soundly through the pounding. He gently shook her awake.

"Babe, this gotta be the fucking cops. Get dressed sweetheart."

"Cops?" She rubbed her eyes, sat up in bed, and stretched. Her naked frame wanted him to crawl back in bed with her and finish things they did not get to do last night.

"Come on down when you're dressed."

He walked out of their room, feet bare on the cold wood floors. If it was the police they better have some answers for him. He looked at his security video and sure enough it was two officers in uniform.

What did they want? Arrest him again? The fuck-up cops were getting nowhere with this case. He could not wait to hear what kind of screwed-up info they wanted now.

He opened the door and stood and looked at the two white cops.

"Come to harass me at my own home?"

"Mr. Stone?" This from one of the cops on his payroll. Middle-aged do-gooder cop that had no problems taking a monthly stipend from him to keep quiet about the happenings at Sextacy.

"Yes, this is my damn house, what do you need?"

"Sir, there has been a break in the case," the old cop with bad teeth said. He was too old and set in his ways to be paid off but his partner kept him in line.


"We found the baby, Prince."

"My son! Where is he?"

He looked around behind the cops but only saw them and no one in their squad car. What kind of sick joke were they playing on him?

Rosaline came over with her robe on, hair up in a messy ponytail, and house sandals on.

"What's going on? Why are you here?"

"Mrs. Stone? We'd like you to both come down to the station. We have suspects in custody we need you to identify."

A/N: We are just about at the end! Sorry for the cliffhanger. Don't forget to hit the star and thanks for reading!

Yoooo! I just realized if baby Prince AND Kendra's baby is Fredericks's would they be brother/uncle? 🧐

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