Fabio Quartararo- Reveal

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Fabio's hand rubbed up and down my back trying to gently wake me up even though I was already awake and just laying down with my eyes closed thinking about this weekend probably in too much detail. This weekend will be my first time going to a race being Fabio's girlfriend well publicly at least, we have been together for getting towards 6 months now and I have been to races but in a more lowkey kind of way by keeping away from any camera view but now its going to be all different. During this week we decided that it was time that we go public with our relationship because we've been together for a little while and its becoming harder to hide seeing as we spend so much time together so some hints have gone up on Fabio's Instagram stories but the proper reveal will be when we get to the race track.

I opened my eyes after realising that I was just kind of laying there completely in my own thoughts and as soon as I did this I felt a kiss being placed on my jaw and a pair of strong arms turning me over and pulling me close in such a comforting embrace. Fabio's embrace is one of my favourite things he always makes me feel safe by holding me so tightly to the point that I can hear his heartbeat which is always so calming. Our cuddle session was rudely interrupted by our alarm going off that I had put on snooze earlier and sadly this time we really had to get up because we had a drive to get to the circuit. Feeling a little cheeky I rolled over Fabio completely probably crushing him a bit and ran to the bathroom as quickly as possible before he could get to me and get me back for it. Just as I thought I got away with it because it had been a few minutes the bathroom door opened and my sides were attacked with tickles which had me giggling and wriggling all over the place which made brushing my teeth very hard.

"Please stop I can't breathe" I said through the toothpaste in my mouth

"And why should I stop huh after you crushed me like that" he laughed

"I'm sorry it was a bad decision I can make it up to you" I attempted to reason

He finally stopped after that and tapped his lips asking for a kiss as my way of making it up to him but he did let me finish brushing my teeth first which I think was best for everyone. When I was ready I got on my toes to kiss his lips as he grabbed my waist to pull me in closer really making the most of it before things get crazy and we don't get to spend as much time together. When we both pulled away I couldn't help but smile looking at the grin on Fabio's face with his little tooth gap that I just adore, he always does this to me in the mornings because he's still sleepy and very clingy so he just smiles constantly which just makes my heart melt.

All of this messing about meant we had just a few minutes to get ready and be out the door to go and pick Tom up before we can head to Valencia, everything was such a rush that you were glad you forced Fabio to pack last night instead of this morning otherwise we would have literally nothing with us. People don't believe me when I say that I can get ready quicker but its true if I need to be ready I can be super quick and not worry too much about how my hair and everything looks but Fabio on the other hand is just such a nightmare he hates not doing his normal routine so rushing is just not something he does. I have learnt that to get him out the house on time I have to make him feel like he's helping me so today's plan is getting him to grab all of our stuff and put it in the car.

"Love can you help me put the bags in the car" I asked

"Of course I can give me one second" he replied

Before I knew it everything was in the car including us and we were on the road it was almost a miracle but hey we're on time so I'm going to take it. The drive is quite a few hours which I offered to do to give Fabio some time to relax but he was determined to drive and wouldn't let me even offer so that kind of decided it. As we drove I felt a hand on my knee which started to trace little circles on my leg as I was beginning to close my eyes to rest for a bit which was so soothing and made me even more tired.

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