Fabio Quartararo- Best Christmas ever

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Christmas is my favourite time of year but also the most stressful part of the year. Trying to get everything sorted and buying presents for everyone is the hard part but the general atmosphere is just the best because everyone seems so much happier at Christmas time and the decorations always lift my mood too. One other thing that makes Christmas so great is having Fabio around much more as he has no races and training isn't as intense so sometimes we can go out together. Having him around means we get to go on little dates and do small little things that we never have time for during the season like baking cookies together or even having a movie marathon and not moving from the sofa all day. 

Over the last couple of weeks we have been driving all over the place to deliver presents to cousins and other family members which has been fun because it has been like a really long road trip with stops in between but it has been stressful with all the driving. The trip would have been easier if we didn't take Fabio's car because it doesn't really have enough room for us with our things and all the presents we had, it doesn't help that I also dislike driving his car and with such long drives we have been switching quite a bit so I've had to do a lot of driving. We made it around all of our stops and back home in one piece and we didn't once run out of fuel which was a miracle but that was mostly due to me not allowing Fabio to get to anywhere near empty. Since our trip we haven't done much because it took a lot out of us seeing as we spent a lot of time driving and very little time sleeping so you best bet we caught up on all the missed hours of sleep. 

Now its just a few days to Christmas and there is no more relaxing because I have some plans to really make the most of the holiday season which is why today we are going ice skating although Fabio has no idea. Ice skating is something I did all the time as a teenager but haven't been in so long so I'm super excited, in fact I don't think I've ever mentioned my ice skating abilities to him so I can't wait to see his reaction. It got to mid morning and I was bored of waiting so I just took initiative and dragged him up from the sofa and towards the door hoping he would get the hint that we were going somewhere.

"What are you doing?" He asked

"I have plans for us so get your shoes on and let's go" I ushered him on 

"You know sometimes I wonder how your mind works like why didn't you just tell me we were going somewhere?" He questioned 

"I wanted it all to be a surprise and usually you don't get any warning about surprises" I said slightly mocking him 

I saw him shake his head slightly but he got ready nonetheless and we got in my car to head to the ice rink which is about 30 minutes away. Seeing as we were going to be in the car for a little while I put on Christmas music so that we could get in the mood plus who doesn't love a bit of Christmas music. Without realising Fabio started to tap his fingers on my leg where his hand rested to the beat of the music and stared out the window as if I wasn't there, I didn't mind though because I got to just admire his face without him noticing and making fun if me for it even though when he does it he won't let me make fun of him. He seemed to come back to reality when we arrived but I quickly covered his eyes so he couldn't see where we were and made him promise to keep them closed until we got to the ice rink which was just kind of a pop up one that comes about during the winter but it was good enough. 

We walked over with me leading Fabio to make sure he didn't walk into anyone or anything until we were close enough for him see the rink and I allowed him to open his eyes. I watched his face intently as he worked out what I had planned and a small little smile formed on his face which I was glad about because I wasn't sure if he was going to like ice skating but he seemed pretty excited. If I thought I was excited he was ecstatic and had run off to get skates from the desk without me but I let him be and just walked over to meet him when he had got skates for the both of us. We put them on but I did the laces for him just to make sure they were tight enough because you don't want the skates to be loose as it makes it harder. Then I had to hold his hands to help him walk in them as it is pretty difficult as your feet feel so heavy and your balance is kind of off because you are walking on a thin blade but we made it to the ice in one piece. 

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