Izan Guevara- Champion

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Australia is somewhere I have always wanted to go and so in my head I imagined the that the first time I would come here would be on a relaxing trip where I would get to explore the country for a few weeks but boy was I wrong. Instead of some relaxing trip I'm here two days after booking my flight to hopefully watch my boyfriend Izan win the moto3 world championship. That part of the journey I'm excited about as throughout the season Izan and I have celebrated all the big moments and if it happens this would be the best of all of them but being here means I'm missing over a weeks worth of university classes which I have to do all from the other side of the world. 

I really wasn't planning on coming all the way out here I was just going to get up incredibly early in the morning and watch the race from the comfort of my room but since it became very possible for Izan to win the championship at this race he has been begging me to come. For a few days I told him I couldn't come as it would be way too stressful but just a few days ago he started really pleading with me and gave me his best puppy dog eyes which I just couldn't resist so I brought plane tickets that night. Thinking back it was a bit of a hasty decision but I don't regret it too much as I really do want to be there to watch Izan win the title in person and he has promised that he'll give me some time of an afternoon to do my uni work without disturbing me which I don't think will happen but it was a nice promise. 

After an incredibly long day of flying my flight just landed and I'm waiting for my suitcase to come off the plane before I can leave the airport and see Izan who should be waiting outside for me. Its actually been quite a long time since we have seen each other as I moved to university mid September and since then there has been so many flyaways that Izan hasn't really been back home let alone come to see me. Over that time I've really missed him as over the summer we spent so much time together that not seeing him for a month was really hard but now that it will just be a few more minutes until I see him again I'm so excited as FaceTime just isn't the same. The wait for my suitcase felt like an age but eventually it came round the conveyer belt and I picked it up as quick as I could and ran towards the exit while trying to text Izan. 

The airport seemed to go on forever but eventually I reached the exit where I saw Izan waiting by a car a bit further down and the second he saw me he started running towards me and I did the same so we met somewhere in the middle. As soon as he was close enough he pulled me into the tightest hug humanly possible which made it hard for me to breathe but I didn't care as it was just nice to be in his arms again. We stayed in each other's arms for a bit longer before he pulled away and kissed my forehead while grabbing my suitcase for me to drag it to the car. We both sat in the back of the car together and Izan grabbed my hand which he kept hold of the whole drive even when I was completely distracted by the scenery out the window. It was so beautiful out the car window just looking at it all made me really excited to get out this car and get to explore a bit. 

When we eventually arrived at the hotel we went to our room and I dropped my suitcase off and changed before dragging Izan back out so that we could go for a walk before it got dark or too cold. Since Izan had a better idea where we were I let him lead the way once we made it outside and just enjoyed spending time with him in a beautiful country. We kept walking until we got to a little green area which had a few benches so we sat on one and took the opportunity to catch up on the little things we missed while not seeing each other for so long. As much as we have FaceTimed pretty much everyday it's just not the same as being together in person so there was a lot of things both of us haven't mentioned so there was a lot to talk about. We stayed out until it was beginning to get dark which is when we headed back to eat dinner and then go to bed. 


Since I decided to come out to Australia quite early to get used to the time difference Izan and I have had a lot of time together so have explored the area for a few days before on Thursday we had to head to the track. Thursday was extremely busy as every tv crew wanted interviews with Izan because there is a good possibility he will become champion this weekend and for the same reason he was in the press conference as well which meant he had even more to go. As much as it was a busy day I really enjoyed getting to go with him to all of this stuff especially the press conference as I got to sit in the audience and watch him be asked questions and talk to some of the best riders in the world right now. The only bad thing about the day was that it was raining super hard all day which had me and a few others very worried about the rest of the weekend. 

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