Pedro Acosta- It's always been you

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I have always loved to read romance books especially ones about childhood friends who end up happily together. To start with I just liked the books as I thought they were sweet but now I realise that I read those books because it's what I wished my life was like. 

For as long as I can remember I have been friends with Pedro his parents used to babysit me when my parents both had places to be and we always used to play together. We were inseparable for many years and were always hanging out together I even used to beg my parents to go to his races so I could be there to support him. There was a period of time when we grew apart a bit as we both made other friends and spent time with them on the weekends he was actually around instead of spending time together but we still used to text quite a lot. During that period of time Pedro really made a break through with his racing and was completely dominating the junior categories which meant he was away a lot which contributed to us growing apart. 

Over lockdown Pedro and I got much closer again as we live on the same street so we were able to sit outside together and just talk to pass some time. Those days were some of my favourite as we just talked for hours like we did when we were kids and it was like nothing had changed from when we used to ruin around outside driving our parents insane. It was over lockdown that my feelings for Pedro changed it was probably always destined to happen but in the many hours I spent with Pedro on the days we had nothing else to do I started to see him differently. I started to care about how I looked when I saw Pedro instead of happily going to meet him in sweats I had to make sure I had a nicer outfit on and some makeup even though he definitely didn't care or notice. 

For weeks I tried telling myself that I didn't have a crush on my childhood best friend but eventually I couldn't keep lying to myself and instead I just had to come to terms with it and try and get over it. Pedro sure didn't make it easy to try and get over my feelings as when he was allowed he started coming over and we would watch movies together but instead of sitting on opposite ends of the sofa he would sit right next to me and we would share a blanket. He also started complimenting my hair and makeup when I would make more of an effort which kept fuelling the delusion in my head that maybe he felt the same way I did and we would end up together. Seeing as trying to get over the feelings on my own wasn't working I tried dating other guys but it never worked out as I kept comparing them to Pedro and they could never be the same as him. After months of either trying to push the feelings to the back of my mind or dating other guys I gave up and just decided to live with my feelings but keep them to myself as I can't lose my friendship with Pedro. 


Two years has passed since I realised my feelings for Pedro and nothing has changed we still talk everyday and I'm still reading romance books and wishing that my life could be like that. Instead I am still keeping my feelings a secret because it's just not worth throwing away our friendship over a crush which will never be requited and a dream of a life that could never be a reality. This year it has been really hard to keep my feelings a secret from Pedro as we haven't spent so much time together. I have been to loads of races this year to watch him in his first moto2 season and when he was out for a few months with his injury we spent every day together as it kept him sane while not racing and I was never going to complain. 

Over the weekend was the final race of the season and sadly I couldn't make it even though I really tried my hardest things just didn't work out. Even though I couldn't make it I still watched all the moto2 sessions which did earn me a few stares when I got excited about sessions while in my classes. The actual race was very stressful to watch but in the end Pedro won just like he promised me he would and his win meant that he won the rookie of the year title which represents everything he has done this season. After watching the race I really wanted to celebrate with Pedro but he had the awards ceremony to go to after the race so he wasn't due home until today but I've had classes all day which has kept us apart even longer. While in one of my classes Pedro text and asked me to come over to celebrate tonight which of course I am really excited about but I know it will just be the two of us and that always makes me nervous just incase I accidentally give anything away as to my feelings for him.

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