Alonso Lopez- First time

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Yet again it's race weekend but this one is slightly different instead of sitting alone on the sofa supporting my boyfriend Alonso I'm actually going to be there in person. Up until now I haven't been able to go to a race as I have university work to be getting on with and my job to go to but now that I'm on my summer break from university I took some time off from work to be able to go to the race. Alonso brought up the idea because he has really been wanting me to go to a race and when he brought it up again I knew I had to try and do everything I could to get myself to the race. When I agreed to go Alonso told me a bit more like where the race actually was and that only made me more excited as it is at silverstone which happens to be my home track. It's not very often that I get to go back home so to be able to go and hopefully spend a few days there and watch Alonso race sounded like a good deal to me. 

Alonso was happy to go over to the uk a bit early so that's exactly what we did flying in a few days before the start of the gp weekend and spending those days with my family who have met Alonso but don't get to se him very often. It was really nice to be home and see family but I was honestly mostly looking forward to going to the race. When it finally came time for us to head to the track I was so excited just to see the track in person and walk around the paddock. Alonso teased me about being so excited but I didn't care because to me going to my first race is an exciting thing. 

When we got there Alonso gave me a tour around the paddock and his garage and for the first time I got to see his bike which was bigger than I expected it to be. We happened to go into the garage as the team were starting up the bike so I got to hear how loud the bikes really are. Once the bike was started Alonso showed me a few different things before revving the bike a few times which made me jump but then he got me to do it too and I got used to the noise. He also got me to sit on the bike and act like I was actually riding it while he took pictures with a big smile on his face which only made me happier. Alonso then had to leave to go and do his media duties so I went back to the motorhome to wait for him and to tidy the place up because Alonso's way of organising is very different to mine. 

By the time Alonso was back it was a lot later in the day so we went to eat dinner together before he dragged me out to the track to walk around it together even though he already did a track walk earlier in the day. Straight away he was treating me like a member of his team and telling me all about the speed and braking zones in different corners which makes no difference to my life but I enjoyed listening to him so I let him continue. When we reached the back straight it was starting to get dark out and the temperature was dropping so the both of us shared a look which meant we wanted to get back quickly. Instead of just walking at a slightly faster pace like any normal person would do Alonso grabbed my hand and started running the rest of the track until we made it back to pit lane and then the paddock. I'm not used to running that much so when we finally stopped running I was desperately trying to get some air back in my lungs which first made Alonso laugh until he picked me up and carried me on his back to the motorhome so we could get into bed. 


Friday and Saturday were incredibly chaotic with all the practices, qualifying and everything else going on but in the end it went well for Alonso and he ended up in qualifying 8th which he wasn't happy with but I know from there he can do really well as I know what he's capable of. As its race day the team had a meeting early this morning to decide on setup and tyres so I woke up to an empty space next to me in bed and a little note from Alonso telling me where he was and where to meet him so we could get breakfast together. I quickly got ready and headed to where I was told to go and then waited until I saw a familiar mop of hair coming towards me but this time he didn't have his usual smile on his face instead all I could see was nerves in his eyes. When he saw me he tried to put a smile on but straight away I could see thought it although I chose not to say anything when other people were around. 

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