Tony Arbolino- Friends friend

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A/n: thought I'd put out a bonus part as it's my birthday and I have had this one stored away for a long time but haven't posted it so enjoy everyone 

This weekend is my first time going to a race which is so weird to think about because I have been friends with Fabio for so long but I've just never managed to make it to a race even though I've tried but this weekend I'm going no matter what. I really mean no matter what as well because I'm sure the universe is determined for me not to go first my car broke down so I couldn't drive there and then there was no flights available, luckily Fabio wants me to go as badly as I do and he offered to drive me and even offered to let me sleep on the sofa of his motorhome because he didn't trust me and my luck. Honestly it was probably a good decision because it really hasn't been my week so far and when I tried to book a hotel they were all booked up for literally no reason so I'm going to have to sleep in the motorhome anyways. 

Going to a race with Fabio is completely crazy and we have only been here for a few hours he has introduced me to at least 20 people and that's not including all of his crew like I don't think I've said hi more times in my entire life and he's still walking round finding more people that he wants to introduce me to. So far everyone has been really nice and actually wanted to get to know me which was really nice because I thought people would be focused on their own thing but they all made an effort to speak to me like they were just normal people like Fabio is to me. Finally he got so distracted with talking to someone that I got a bit of a break and stood outside the garage watching everything that was going on mainly just to recharge my social battery but also because I had no idea where anything is I can't just go back to the motorhome as I don't know what direction to go in. 

Eventually Fabio came back and grabbed hold of my wrist to drag me into the garage to meet what he promised would be one last person and I'm glad its only one more because I don't think I could handle meeting many more people. When we got in I realised it was Tony who he is pretty close with and in fact we almost met once before now but schedules didn't work out and I couldn't meet with him and Fabio. Right away he greeted me with a hug and initiated a conversation so that we could get to know each other a little. This was proved easier than I thought because Fabio had talked about me to him and I obviously knew a few things from what I had been told. Knowing a little bit about each other meant we got to talk about some more interesting things and make fun of Fabio a little because who would we be if we didn't share funny stories with each other. The two of us talked for a good while before we realised how late it was getting and that both of us should get on with our lives but when we looked around Fabio had left so I tried texting him but he didn't even read the message. I went to just leave and find my own way back to the motorhome somehow but Tony stopped me by putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"Let me walk you back I don't want you getting lost" he said 

"Oh thank you I would definitely get lost out there on my own" I replied 

Together we weaved between all of the trucks and other things and Tony pointed out some places that are good to remember and other little things to help me know where I am so I can get around easier. It was actually really fun and he kept making me laugh by showing the the stupidest little things that had the weirdest stories behind them like one specific pole on a truck that he walked in to one night when it was dark to which he advised to have a torch on at all times when walking round in the dark. We spent ages walking a pretty short distance because we were talking so much and kept making detours to go and look at other things but eventually we made it to the motorhome and we said goodbye to each other but not before exchanging phone numbers so we could talk more and in case I ever get lost he promised he would actually answer me and help me out. 

Once he left I went up to the motorhome where Fabio was sat completely oblivious to the fact that he has just abandoned me. When I sat down next to him he looked at me and had some kind of flashback and panicked trying to apologise for leaving me and explaining that he had an interview to go to and didn't want to drag me away because me and Tony looked like we were getting along. I knew exactly what he meant when he said that because he's done this many times before, he likes to think that any guy I get along with and talk to will end up as my boyfriend. He's always trying to set me up with people because he loves to play matchmaker even though he is awful at it and has sent me on some of the worst dates ever as a result but this time I'm determined for him not to get involved and to just have a normal friendship with Tony unless it goes somewhere else on its own which I wouldn't be against. 

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