Joan Mir- New Years party

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A/n: oops I forgot to post this last night hope you can enjoy it anyway and happy new year everyone 

Somehow I have been convinced that I need to go to a New Years party this year because I made the mistake of telling Fabio that I'd never been to one before. He planned to go to a party with friends and so he invited me to go with him seeing as I know his friends well but I'm still nervous to go because the reason I've never been is because parties just aren't my thing I always get really awkward around a bunch of people. Something that's also not helping the nerves is that I know Joan is going to be there and as much as I try not to I can't help but be attracted to him and I hate myself for it because in reality I don't know him too well and there is no way he feels the same way about me. It would be fine if I could just not see him but I know that it's not going to work like that and I'm going to do my usual thing of getting nervous and not knowing what to say that doesn't just give away how I feel which just makes everything so awkward. 

Despite my protests about going here I am sitting in front of my wardrobe trying to pick an outfit that felt right for the party, this job has been more difficult than I expected because I wanted to look nice but I also didn't want to stand out in any way. Eventually I gave up and text my best friend to ask for her advice because she is a stylist and knows about my feelings for Joan so understands my predicament for the party, she looked though my clothes with me on FaceTime and insisted that I had to wear one particular dress that was quite form fitting and would definitely get some looks. I tried to tell her that I wanted to blend in but she convinced me to wear it and to be more confident in it so I gave in and decided to go with her suggestion. 

Seeing as I was going out of my comfort zone with my outfit my brain told me it would be a good idea to just go all out and put on a confident act which definitely isn't me but maybe for one night it could be. My hand seemed to work ahead of my brain and applied makeup better than ever before and my hair seemed to be looking pretty good for once in my life and honestly overall I looked pretty good and I never think I look better than a drowned rat. My friend wanted me to send her a picture of the finished outfit and she hyped me up so much that I thought my head was going to explode it was getting so big but I made her stop so that I didn't go off the rails with this boost in confidence. At 9 Fabio came to pick me up so we could both go to the party together seeing as he invited me and I think he knew I'd never actually go if he left me to my own devices. When I got in his car the look on his face was quite entertaining because I don't think he's ever seen me quite so dressed up and of course he had to tease me about it. 

"Who are you trying to impress tonight" he joked 

"No one just thought I would wear the nice clothes I have for once" I lied 

"Ok but you should know that guys are definitely going to try and flirt with you" he warned 

"I'm aware I plan to just ignore them" I said as he shook his head

We arrived at the party and right away I felt like I didn't fit in at all I mean literally everyone I could see was known for something whether it be MotoGP or some other form or racing or even other sports and here I am the person who is less well known than my neighbours dog. Before I could turn to Fabio to walk in with him he had disappeared and I was all on my own desperately trying to find a familiar face and just my luck the only person I recognised was Joan who had just arrived, everything in my body was telling me not to go over to him but my brain had other thoughts so I started walking in his direction. As I walked I was desperately trying to find something to say that wouldn't sound weird or at least weird to me and there was just nothing but it was too late to turn back. He noticed me walking before I could hide away and walked right over and pulled me into a hug unexpectedly which made me blush but I think I managed to hide it pretty well in the dark outside. 

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