Marc Marquez- I'll take care of you

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Requested by @ferdan1998

Its coming towards that time of the month again and I know that because this morning I woke up feeling more tired than usual which could be down to the long hours I've been doing at work but when I went to make breakfast and dropped the spoon and almost cried it was clear to me that this was the start of my pms. I get quite bad pms the week before my period which sometimes can be worse than the period itself as I'm just not myself for the whole week which isn't fun for me but its worse for anyone who has to be around me especially my boyfriend Marc.

Marc has always been really great when I'm on my period and even the week before unlike any of my pervious boyfriends who used to avoid me like the plague or make things worse by saying how stupid the way I acted was. Marc has never been like that in fact when we first started seriously dating he showed up at my apartment one day to give me my favourite chocolates after the day before I'd told him I was having a hard day. He has always been so caring and is always asking if there is anything he can do to help me out even if it is a small thing he is more than willing to do it. Just a few weeks ago we moved in together and so this will be the first time that Marc will get to see the full extent of what I'm like instead of just getting a glimpse for a day or few hours at a time. It has me a little worried that once Marc realised how emotional I can be he will regret us moving in together and we will break up with me but deep down I know that's not going to happen.

After almost having a breakdown over breakfast I wasn't looking forward to the rest of the day but when I went to get dressed and saw Marc sat in bed giving me his usual bright smile I couldn't help but feel a little better. Once I was ready I still had some time before I needed to leave so when Marc patted the empty bed beside him I didn't think twice about climbing in next to him. He put an arm around my waist straight away and I rested my head on his chest which is my favourite way to cuddle with Marc as I find it relaxing to listen to his heartbeat. We didn't speak to each other for a few minutes instead we just laid there in each other's arms while Marc pressed the odd kiss to the top of my head but that silence was ended when Marc spoke.

"Are you ok love I heard you having a bit of a nightmare in the kitchen" he said

"I'm fine just one of those mornings" I replied not telling the full truth

"Oh I'm sorry love but I can tell that you aren't telling me everything whatever it is you can tell me" he said softly while pulling me closer

"You know me too well it's nothing bad just pms so I'm not going to be my normal self this week" I admitted

"You should have told me earlier I would have got up earlier and made breakfast for you" he said

I tried to tell him that I am fine but before I could he got out of bed and went to his wardrobe and started to find something to wear. I just watched him so confused as to what was going on I didn't say a word I simply observed while he found some clothes and then went off to the bathroom. While he was in the bathroom I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and looked at it until I heard the door open and Marc came back out. I don't know what I thought was going to happen but it wasn't him grabbing my hand and leading me down the stairs and to the front door but that's exactly what he did. Once we made it there I was still confused to just stood still while he put this shoes on before he finally explained that he was going to drive me to work. Again I tried to tell him that it wasn't necessary for him to do that but he insisted and so I gave in quickly.

On quite a few occasions I have told Marc how much I hate the drive to my work as it involves going along some of the busiest roads around here which always stress me out as there is almost always an accident which causes loads of traffic. I have also told him that I hate the drive even more during my pms week as for some reason it always feels more stressful which he must have listened to and that's why he's being so kind as to drive me instead. When in the car Marc put on the playlist we made together which is full of songs we both love and then he put the hand he didn't have on the steering wheel on my thigh. We made it onto the roads and right away Marc saw what I have to deal with as we got onto the first main road and instantly had to slow down as there was traffic.

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