Fabio Quartararo- Official

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Request for @yosoysumorenito19

Going to my first race is something I thought I would be more excited about than I am but really I'm just incredibly nervous about the whole thing. Fabio and I have been going out on dates for many months now but nothing is official between us as we have been taking things slow and making sure things will work out with our lifestyles before we commit. This is why I have never been to a race before so when Fabio invited me Germany to actually attend one in person I got a bit nervous. I have watched every race since my first date with Fabio but going to a race in person is completely different and I know that which is what is making me nervous. Being there in person means I will be spending more time with Fabio and getting to see him do what he loves which is the reason I'm excited to go but it also means there will be media and cameras around which is the part I'm nervous for.

The thought of all those cameras being around worries me because things between me and Fabio aren't official so I don't want people to see me there and start rumours that aren't true. For some reason my brain keeps telling me that if things get out and people don't react well to the possibility of me and Fabio being together that he will end things between us which I know is silly as there is no way on earth he would do that but I can't help but think about it. He has been trying to reassure me all week leading up to this race that everything will be fine and that if I need anything he or the team will be there. He has also promised me that nothing will change between us no matter what is said which did make me feel a little bit better but I still have those intrusive thoughts running around my head.

To get the full experience and properly see what Fabio does I decided to go and be there for Thursday as well which is the riders media day. In my mind although I am nervous about the whole media side of things I know that if I want to be with Fabio which I do that it will become part of my life so I may as well experience it all now and get used to it. Another thing that influenced my decision was the fact that on a Thursday Fabio always goes on a track walk and I thought it would be a good way for me to learn more about how the bike actually works as I don't particularly understand it all. Being there early also gives me a chance to get to know some of the team members and other people Fabio is close to because I haven't met any of them before as we have been keeping things between us mostly.

As I decided to be there for the whole weekend it meant that Fabio and I could fly out together and spend a bit of time together before the chaos of the weekend ensues. Flying together meant it was easier for us to spend the night together so that we could leave together early in the morning. We have spent the night together many times before whether its at my place or his we often sleep over at one another's places after going out or staying in for dates as it allows us to spend more time together before hanging to go back to our normal lives. No matter how often we do it I don't think I'll ever get used to waking up and feeling Fabio's arms around me as every time it bring butterflies to my stomach and makes my heart beat out of my chest. This morning is no different either because even though the alarm went off at a ridiculous time the second I came around from my slumber and felt Fabio's arms tightly wrapped around me the butterflies came flooding through my body. That only got worse when he too woke up and pulled me in closer before starting to mumble something in his sleepy voice which I think will be the death of me its just that cute.

We laid in bed together for a bit longer before the second alarm went off and we both decided it was best we got up. Luckily I had prepared my things last night so I had my outfit already picked out for me and only the things I really needed out in the bathroom which made packing so much easier unlike Fabio who hadn't even started packing which meant I had to help him in order for us to get to the airport on time. He sure does like to stress me out with his way of living sometimes and how he does everything last minute but somehow he still manages to do everything on time which never ceases to amaze me. With my help we were ready to go and in the car with a few minutes to spare which I was proud of as for a while things were looking pretty risky in terms of us making it to the airport on time. The car journey wasn't long but it went by even quicker as Fabio and I were just talking and singing along to music like it wasn't still the early hours of the morning which is something I love about being with Fabio as we always have fun.

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