Fabio Quartararo- Training injury

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As usual I was awoken at the crack of dawn also known as 6am when Fabio got up to go training but after saying a half asleep goodbye to him I went back to bed as it's Saturday and any sensible person would sleep in. After a few more hours sleep I actually got up ready to start my relaxing weekend because after the week I've had at work I think I deserve some time to do nothing. All I wanted to do was lay down and watch all my favourite shows that I've missed so that's exactly what I did, I gathered a few blankets and made myself comfortable while choosing which show to watch first. It was clear that the house needed cleaning or at least tidying a little but it was very easy to ignore the mess and put it off for later or tomorrow so naturally I did just that and instead enjoyed watching tv. 

Once I had ran out of things to watch I decided it would be best to get up and eat breakfast and then get ready because Fabio should be home soon and I'm sure he'll want to do something as he always has plans for us on a weekend. When I got to the kitchen I realised Fabio had made me breakfast and left it in the fridge for me which put a smile on my face as it meant he was thinking about me this morning before he left. Fabio is truly the best boyfriend I've ever had he's just so caring and will do little things like this all the time, he will get up with me in the morning and make me coffee before work or will do other things to help me get through the week which I really appreciate. 

I enjoyed my breakfast before heading upstairs to shower and get ready for the day because I actually like to shower in the morning or of an evening when I have time as its usually my bit of time each day to unwind and relax. Every time I shower I play music because if I didn't I don't think I'd ever listen to music because I just don't have the time to stop and enjoy music. So as always I put my favourite playlist on and hopped in the shower ready to spend a good 15 minutes in there. My 15 minutes in the shower was cut very short when after a few minutes my phone began to ring, I so desperately wanted to ignore it but when I saw that it was Fabio I knew I had to answer it. 

"Hey" I said trying to keep my phone dry despite me having just got out the shower 

"Hey sorry to interrupt your morning but Fabio fell while training and he's hurt" one of Fabio's friends explained 

"Ok um can you send me your location and I'll come and pick him up in a few minutes" I said in a complete panic 

With that the call ended and any ounce of relaxation was gone and instead it was replaced with worry. Like any normal professional sports person Fabio gets injured but usually its not too bad so the fact that I need to go and pick him up has me really worried that he's broken something but for now I need to get there before I can worry too much. There was no time for me to think about what I was doing so I just put on some clothes and ran down to leave the house not putting on any makeup or even drying my hair because I just wanted to leave as quick as possible. Of course the location I was sent in the middle of nowhere but I managed to weave my way through all the small streets of Andorra and get somewhat near before I had to park my car and run down through some trees to get to where Fabio and his friends were. 

The poor guy was sat on the ground next to his bike which was on its side clearly in quite a bit of pain. I ran over to him and knelt down by his side with his friends so that I could actually talk to him. He explained what happened and that his ankle was what hurt the most which is what I was afraid of because a broken ankle will mean he either can't race for a while or will struggle to race. I'm not a medical expert but after being with Fabio for a while I've come to learn a few things about the common injuries racers get. With this knowledge I took Fabio's boot off and tried to look and see if his ankle was broken but from what I could tell it was just sprained and a bit swollen which was a huge relief as a sprain doesn't involve us spending hours in a hospital. 

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