Pecco Bagnaia- Gala

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Finally we made it to the last race of the season and I couldn't be prouder of Pecco after a not so good start to the season he's second in the championship and he's gone from having never won a race to having won 4 races. Just watching him grow as a rider and become so much more confident in his ability has been great because he's been so much happier just in general which makes me happier. With him winning the last race of the season and it being Valentino's last race there was a lot to celebrate and not to mention the awards later tonight that I have been roped into going to. 

We have been dragged from place to place since the end of the race well more like Pecco has but finally we have slowed down and ended up in Valentino's garage to join the party they were having in there which was absolute carnage but so much fun at the same time. Pecco kept me close to him the whole time so I didn't get lost in the crowd of people or crushed by all of the people in there. I've gotten to know Valentino well in my years with Pecco so it will be sad to not have him around especially as Pecco looks up to him so much and not having that support at every race is going to be hard for Pecco. He didn't seem too sad in that moment but I know it will hit him next season but until then I'm going to take the fact that he's not sad as a good thing so we can enjoy tonight and the winter break. We stayed in the garage until we had to get ready for the awards which I still don't want to go to but for him I'll do anything. 

Luckily I didn't have to play any part in picking out my outfit which is probably for the best because there are stylists out there that are much better at picking outfits than me. Our outfits were waiting for us when we got back and I made the mistake to check the time and realised we had an hour until we needed to leave which is nowhere near enough time for me to get my makeup right. I let Pecco get ready first while I worked on my hair in front of the mirror in the bedroom because thats the easy part so when he was done I used the bathroom lighting to do my best attempt at a makeup look which actually turned out pretty ok but it was as simple as you could get. My dress was the same as pretty much every other dress it had a zip at the back which I couldn't do up because my arms just don't stretch like that so I left the bathroom to find Pecco in the bedroom fixing his tie. 

"Would you be able to do this zip up?" I asked 

"Of course darling come here" he said 

His hands gently touched my waist to bring me closer to him before he grabbed the zip and I felt the cold metal along with his hand going up my back until he reached the top of the zip and the coldness went away but was replaced by his warm lips on the back of my neck. He pulled me to his chest and towards the mirror so we could both look at our outfits but I didn't look at my own I just stared at Pecco because he looked so good in his suit and his curls were perfectly framing his face which is how I like them although he does also look pretty good right after a race with them stuck to his forehead. Before we moved from by the mirror I did take a quick look at my dress which actually look really nice and fit me perfectly which is something that was on my mind but there was no need for me to worry at all. 

The time that we needed to leave quickly came around and Pecco took my hand to lead me down the steps and to the car that would be taking us to the event and thats when the nerves really kicked in. Events with cameras and people everywhere really aren't my thing in fact it sounds like a nightmare but I know I will forget about it all when the awards start and we are out of the spotlight but for now I'm dreading that part of it. I have never actually been to an event quite like this before because when Pecco won the moto2 championship we weren't officially dating in fact we had only been on a couple of actual dates so I didn't go to the awards but that all changes today and I get to see what he experienced that time. Without thinking I started to pick at my hands which is a nervous habit of mine along with shutting out everything and everyone around me so when Pecco tried to talk to me and I didn't respond he knew what was up with me.

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