Marc Marquez- Sleepless nights

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When Marc and I decided to start trying for a baby I knew that when the baby arrived it would be hard but I had no idea it would be this difficult. If I'd have known exactly what I was getting myself into I probably would have waited a few more years until Marc could be around more as thats whats been making all of my problems worse. For the first few months Marc was around because he wasn't racing which was a life saver as it meant that we could take it in turns getting up at night or he could join me to keep me company. However now that Marc is back training and racing I've been on my own a lot more which is proving to be very difficult. 

The past few weeks Marc has been away a lot as there has been back to back races and this weekend that continues with yet another race which has made Marc leave me with a 3 month old yet again. I understand why he has to be gone and I know that this is what I signed up for but with him being gone for so many weekends running I'm starting to really feel the affects of having pretty much no sleep. This weekend has been extra bad as I'm sure the baby can sense that I'm running out of energy and has been extra fussy all week which means she's been up for a lot longer than normal each evening and wakes up a lot more during the night. I know Marc feels bad about leaving me as he calls every evening to check in and will stay up as long as he can with me but its no substitute for actually having him here to help. 

Luckily today should be the last day I have to live without Marc as after the race is over today he promised he would come home as soon as possible and as he's only in Italy he should be home before the end of the night. Usually on a race weekend I make an effort to get up early and watch everything but today there was no need to get up early as I was already awake after not getting a minute of sleep. Eventually when I noticed that the clock said that it was 9am I collected the baby from her crib and headed downstairs where I already have everything I could need set up from many days of doing this routine. I turned on the tv in hopes that it would calm the screaming baby in my arms but if anything it did the opposite she just got more and more upset and there was nothing I could do as I had already tried everything possible to calm her down. Although people tell you that sometimes there is nothing you can do for your baby and you just have to let them cry but to me that just feels so wrong and I can't bare to do it so I always try my best to do anything I can think of to even just make the crying quiet down a little bit. 

Despite my best efforts there was nothing I could do to make the situation better but the best solution I came up with was to walk around rocking the baby in my arms in hopes that she may fall asleep eventually. We walked back and forth behind the sofa so that I could still watch all the sessions and see Marc during warm up which helped me not go completely crazy with the noise and the repetitiveness of just walking up and down the living room. While watching the tv and seeing all those people there watching it made me miss actually going to races as I haven't been to a race in ages as not only has Marc been in and out of racing over the last few years but I also didn't go towards the end of my pregnancy as it was just easier not to. Marc and I also made a decision not to take the baby to a race until she was a bit older and could sleep through the night as we didn't want to have to deal with what I'm dealing with now and thats just being incredibly tired. So as much as its hard to just watch the races on the tv I know its for the best and eventually I will be able to go and it will be even better as it will be a whole family adventure. 

Marc always likes to FaceTime me before the race and this weekend was no different which meant my phone started ringing while I was at the other end of the living room which meant having to walk fast while also trying not to disturb the baby in order to get to it in time. Since I only have so many hands I had to sit down with my phone which of course the baby didn't like so poor Marc was just greeted by screaming instead of a nice hello like normal. We tried to have a conversation but we just couldn't hear each other over the crying so I chose to put the baby down for a few minutes just to talk to Marc and get him focused for the race.

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