Fabio Quartararo- Winner

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Requested by @amalia_johal

Today is an exciting and scary day as I will be playing my first tennis match at a big tournament. I have grown up playing and watching tennis and I have tried my best to play semi professionally the last few years so when I was able to play to possibly qualify for Wimbledon I thought why not give it a go and to my surprise I managed to qualify. Since then I've taken tennis a lot more seriously and have been training a lot more in the build up to my first match which is today. Until this morning I wasn't nervous as it didn't really feel real but now that I'm actually here and my match starts in a few hours I'm really nervous. Half of me knows that no one expects me to do well as this is one of the grand slams and I'm not exactly a top flight professional but the other half of me wants to try and win the match and make a bit of a name for myself so that I can actually play professionally instead of having to work another job on the side.

Sadly no one could be here for my first match as my parents have to work and my boyfriend Fabio has a race to go to in another country so can't be here to watch. I'm not sure if being on my own is helping or making things worse as no one is here to keep me calm but they also aren't here to make me worry more. Luckily my coach was able to come so I had someone to keep my mind focused on the right things and help me make sure I knew how I was going to play against my opponent as every match is slightly different depending on how someone plays. I tried my best to treat it like any other match by following my normal routine as much as possible before I had to walk out which was really scary but I kept my headphones on to keep me calm.

Seeing how many people were in the crowd watching was really strange as usually only a few people watch at the matches I play so for so many people to be here and watching me felt odd. Of course no one really knows who I am so they are here to watch my opponent but they will still get to see how I play which I've never really had before. Before we started practicing I took a moment to take everything in as I may never get this chance again and I want to remember this moment as even if I lose it is still such a magical experience.

The match felt like it was over in a second as I was just so focused on playing which I didn't think I would be as I thought I would take longer to settle in due to the nerves. Before I knew it it was match point but it was my match point. All I has to do was serve well and win the point and I would be through to the second round of Wimbledon. It was like I wasn't in my body as I served and somehow managed to hit an ace which meant I had won and I was through to the next round. None of it felt real as I went into this match completely expecting to be beaten but here I am winning and now having to look towards my next match. Eventually I came out of my little dream world when I heard my coach cheering from the crowd which reminded me that I should be enjoying this moment and celebrating so I started to enjoy myself a bit more and interacting with the crowd a bit before having to do an interview and then leaving the court.

Getting back to my dressing room my coach was waiting to give me a hug and together we jumped around the room celebrating as neither of us thought this would happen nor have we been in situation like this before. Our celebrating was stopped when my phone started ringing so I went to grab it planning to just turn it off but when I saw that it was Fabio I knew I had to answer. I answered the FaceTime and his face filled my screen and as soon as it did the smile on my face only got bigger as he had such a big smile on his face and tears in his eyes which almost made me cry.

"You did it I couldn't be more proud of you right now you played so well out there" he said excitedly

"I know I didn't think I had any chance but I just got in the zone I didn't even realise what was happening until the match point" I said

"You were so good I knew you were good but to watch you out there was just amazing do you believe me now when I say you can do this professionally?" He asked

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