Fabio Quartararo- Graduation

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A/n: all of this is based on the Uk university system as that's what I know 

The time has come where it has all gotten too much and I'm finally having a breakdown, my first final exam is tomorrow and so I've been trying to really cram in as much as possible today to make sure I'm prepared but it has done the opposite and I feel like I don't remember any of the content. Everyone told me that the time would come when it would be too much but I didn't believe them as I made it this far and have been relatively ok but now I see what all my friends have been saying because I just can't stop the tears falling down my face and the nerves for exams taking over. I tried to keep studying to try and calm myself and tell myself that I did know content because in the back of my mind I know I do but none of the notes went in and I ended up just reading the same line over and over. 

My phone began to ring beside me distracting me slightly from my breakdown, I looked at my phone to see that it was Fabio FaceTiming me like he does everyday at roughly the same time so of course I picked up. I knew that when he saw my face he would be concerned so I set my phone up in a way that hid my red and puffy eyes for a moment while I got myself together. All was going well as although the tears were still flowing Fabio hadn't noticed but for a brief moment I forgot that I was trying to hide my face and looked over at my phone, Fabio was quick to notice and his face changed from his usual happy smile to a look of concern and sadness. 

"Are you crying sweetheart?" Fabio asked 

"Yes but I'm fine just a bit stressed for tomorrow" I replied trying my best not to worry him as he doesn't need to be thinking about me when he has racing to focus on 

"You're clearly not fine love you're crying why don't you tell me about it and maybe I can help" he said in a comforting tone 

"Everything has just caught up with me its too much and now I don't remember any of the content so I'm going to fail my exam" I ranted 

"Don't be silly you're just tired you know everything like the back of your hand and you know you do so please take a break it will make you feel so much better" he reasoned 

As much as I didn't want to stop studying I knew he was right so I put everything away and got my things ready for the morning and got in bed to talk to him. To distract me he told me about his day or just anything other than university and exams which I really appreciated although it was still in the back of my mind the whole time I definitely felt better. He knows me so well that he knew as soon as he hung up I would go back to studying or stay up all night worrying so he stayed on FaceTime with me until I fell asleep. 

The morning came around and of course I was very nervous but definitely feeling a lot better thanks to Fabio's reassurance. All morning I just got myself ready but right before I felt I looked at my phone as it had been going off all morning with good luck texts from friends and family but the one from Fabio made me smile the most, he wished me good luck and told me that he would be proud no matter how it went which really made me feel better he also told me to call him as soon as I was done to tell him how it went which I made a mental note of before heading to my exam. 

When I got back from my exam I was actually really happy as I felt like it went well and the questions were on my side which is something I was worried about. My mood had dramatically changed from the morning and last night to the level that when I called Fabio he questioned if I was the same person he was talking to the night before. He listened to me talk about each question and what I wrote about for ages before I let him get a word in but he didn't seem to mind which was a relief as I realised once I stopped talking that I had been rambling. The two of us talked about plans for once I finish uni for a while before he had to go and train but he promised he would call again later at his usual time to talk about the rest of our days. 

MotoGP one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora