Fabio Quartararo- Barcelona

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A/n: I know Fabio supports PSG but let's just pretend he supports Barcelona too 

Going to my brother Pedri's football matches used to feel like a chore as each weekend my parents would make me go with them to watch but now that we have our own lives I absolutely love going and hate to miss a match. It wouldn't matter what club he played for I would still go to the games but the fact that he plays for Barcelona means every match is important in helping the team reach their goals. Tonight is an especially important game as they are playing Atletico Madrid and if they win they will go clear at the top of the table as Real Madrid lost their last match. With it being an away match I'm having to go on my own as the rest of the family didn't want to travel which is fine but I am a bit nervous as I've never been to an away match by myself before. 

Luckily being a Sunday I have had all day to get ready and get here which made things a bit less stressful although when it was time to actually go to the stadium I got a bit lost but eventually I found my way. As always I went to see Pedri quickly before he went out for warm up and I wished him good luck and we did the handshake we have done since we were kids as it's become a pre match tradition and with that went off to find my seat. I'm so used to finding my way around camp nou that it took me a while to find where I was sat as the Atletico stadium is set out differently but eventually I got there and got settled to watch the end of the warm up. 

For a few minutes there wasn't very many people around but soon the seats started filling up and I saw a few people I recognised as family of the other players who I smiled at as they went to take their seats. I was sat on my own for a good while but a few minutes before the match was due to start a guy came to sit in the seat to my right. To begin with I didn't really pay any attention to him and just kept scrolling on my phone but the second I looked over I knew my cheeks were turning a bright shade of pink as the guy was incredibly attractive. He had dyed blonde hair, a great jawline and tattoos which I have always found super attractive. The longer I looked at him the more confused I got though as I didn't recognise him at all so I was trying to figure out who he may be there to support and whether he was related to any of the players or just a friend of one of them. I just couldn't figure it out at all and it was bothering me but I didn't have to wait too long to get an answer as the guy turned to my direction and introduced himself. 

"Hey I'm Fabio" the guy said 

"I'm y/n" I said 

"So who are you here to support?" I asked 

"Just the team I'm a big fan and had some time off so thought I'd come and watch" he explained 

"What about you?" He asked in return 

"Oh I'm here to watch my brother Pedri" I answered 

"Oh wow I bet it must be difficult being related to someone so in the spotlight" he said 

"It can be but now that I have my own life it's not so bad as kids I used to hate going to games but now I don't ever want to miss one" I said 

We talked about my life growing up for a bit longer until all the players came out onto the pitch which is when we started to watch the match. For the first 20 minutes or so I was intently watching until Pedri made a run and gave it to Gavi who then passed to Dembele who scored. Both Fabio and I were celebrating the goal and in our excitement we high fived each other which made us both laugh afterwards as it's not something I would ever normally do. Just a few minutes later they had another chance with Gavi making a run and trying to set up Pedri this time but he hesitated for too long which meant the shot was blocked. From that point on there was a few chances for both teams but nothing too exciting happened before half time. 

Once it got to half time Fabio asked me if I wanted to grab something to eat with him which isn't something I normally do during games but I decided I wanted to spend more time with Fabio so I went with him. They had so many choices that it was almost overwhelming and made me wonder what it's like at camp nou but I quickly forgot about that and got some food and some water. Fabio and I made our way back to our seats and ate before going back to talking and this time I got to know a bit more about him. He was a motogp rider which he thought I wouldn't know anything about but I do as I went with Pedri to meet another rider Joan Mir once and since I have watched the odd race if I have time and it's on. It was interesting learning more about the sport though as I've never paid enough attention to know the ins and outs. 

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