Joan Mir- Wishes do come true

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All week I've been looking forward to this day because it's the day that Joan finally comes home after being away for a few weeks, he's been away for longer in the past and we have spent longer apart but for some reason this time I've just missed him so much more. In the back of my mind I know it's because he's been away a lot recently and when he's home he's often busy so we've actually seen very little of each other for the last couple months so it's all been building up to the point that I miss just seeing his face in person. The excitement of getting to see him today is what has made me wake up at 4am even though his flight won't land until 9 which means I have a few more hours to wait until I pick him up which originally I had hoped I could kill some of sleeping but I guess I'll have to just keep myself busy doing other things.

After what felt like an eternity it was finally time for me to leave for the airport and I could barely contain my excitement which made it hard to concentrate properly on the road and not just think about what was happening. There was a lot of traffic so I only just made it into the airport before Joan text to see he was on his way out, that's when the nerves kicked in and just like when we first met I got butterflies in my stomach at just the thought of seeing him after all this time apart. Soon enough he came through the doors to where I was waiting and we made eye contact and both forgetting that there was other people around ran towards each other meeting in the middle of the room. His arms went right around my waist picking me up, he was holding on so tight and as much as it was hard to breathe I would never tell him to let go as it was just so nice to be back in his arms that I didn't care.

Eventually he did put he down and we made our way out of the airport and to the car which I parked pretty badly as I was in such a rush which he made fun of me for like he always does, it's kind of a running joke between us that I can't drive even though I'm not that bad but because he literally rides a motorbike for a living he thinks he can critique my driving skills. We got in the car and both just sat there for a second before he leaned over and put a hand on my cheek to get me to look at him so that he could kiss me, it was a sweet kiss and the both of us smiled into it because finally we were able to really kiss instead of just wishing we could. Once we pulled away he removed his hand from my cheek and put it on my thigh as I started the car so that we could get home.

We made it back home and I helped Joan unpack all his stuff to make the process quicker so that we could relax together. My vision was that we would unpack his suitcase and then go and cuddle up on the sofa together but he had other ideas and as soon as we were done he tackled me on to the bed that luckily was just behind me so that he was laying right on top of me. He laid there for a moment moving my hair out my face and just staring directly into my eyes before pressing a quick kiss to the tip of my nose and rolling over bringing me with him.

"You don't even know how much I've missed you every night when I couldn't sleep I'd wish that you were there with me so that I could know you're safe and sleeping soundly" he said

"I've missed you so much too it's been way to quiet around here and I've had no one to stop me doing stupid things I mean I almost put a pan in the fridge the other day" I admitted

"Well it's a good thing I'm back to keep you in check isn't it" he joked

I told him about all the other silly things I've done while being completely lost in thought because he finds them entertaining plus sometimes he has things that's he's done too that make me feel less stupid. We also took the opportunity to talk more about what we had been doing because although each day we would FaceTime and talk about what we did some things just can't be explained over a phone or are made easier without detail, he showed me pictures from his days training and told me about bike developments that make very little sense to me but I listened anyway. He then listened to me talk about my boring days at work and how annoying my boss has been which he definitely didn't need to know but he loves to listen to anyway he says it brings him back to the normal world so he's not living in a racing bubble.

MotoGP one shotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora