Spending Christmas together

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Fabio Quartararo: 

You hadn't planned to spend Christmas together but your flight back home got cancelled and Fabio wouldn't let you spend Christmas alone so he invited you to join him and his family. This made you nervous as although you loved his family you couldn't help but feel like you would be intruding on their family time. To make yourself feel better you make sure to get the perfect gift for everyone just before you leave which took a while but you managed to do it with a bit of help from Fabio. Before you arrive you also insist on getting something for his parents who are very kindly letting you both stay with them so you feel like you have to do something to thank them even though Fabio tells you they don't mind at all. They welcome you with open arms and try and make you feel at home so you forget about not being able to go home. Fabio also tries to do some of your families traditions with you which you really appreciate. 

Over the days you are there you actually really enjoy yourself as you spend time with his mum baking different baked goods which was a lot of fun as you got to bond with her a bit more and you made some very delicious deserts. You also spend some time with Fabio's niece and nephew who you absolutely adore as they are just so cute and they love to spend time with you. You take them to the park a few times and play with them inside when it's too cold to go out which Fabio always watches as he loves seeing the way you interact with them and just how good you are with kids. It does make him want to start a family with you but he knows that neither of you are ready so he just admires you from a distance and thinks about the future. As much as you spend time with his family you also spend plenty of time with Fabio as each morning you go on walks together and you often spend afternoons cuddled up watching stupid Christmas films together. Overall you are actually kind of happy that your flight got cancelled as you love how your trip with Fabio turned out. 

Marc Marquez:

You and Marc have been wanting to host Christmas for a few years but different things have got in the way until one year you are finally able to host everyone. Being the perfectionist you are you want to make everything perfect so when you put up the decorations you spend ages making sure everything looks exactly how you want it to. Each little ornament gets moved at least a few times until you think it looks good where it is. That means Marc doesn't dare touch anything or else he knows you will get mad and it will make you more stressed than you already are. To be prepared you get loads of the cooking done in the few days before Christmas so that you don't have to be in the kitchen all day which also means that Marc is able to help you with everything. Marc makes it fun by playing Christmas music and making you dance while things are cooking which makes you forget about the fact that Marc's family are coming over for Christmas and just enjoy yourself. 

On Christmas Day everyone comes round and you all open presents while drinking a warm drink as its cold outside. Everyone clearly out a lot of thought into their gifts which is what you love about Christmas as its a chance to show people how much you care about them. After opening presents you start eating all the food you made which is all delicious and Marc's mum compliments you on which is how you knew you did good. Throughout the day you play loads of different games which in hindsight is a bad idea as Marc and Alex are very competitive so at times it gets a bit tense although when you play in teams it means you quite often win. To end off a lovely day you all go for a walk despite it being cold outside so everyone wraps up warm and you all go on a little stroll around the neighbourhood where you and Marc live. 

Alex Marquez: 

After a stressful and busy year the two of you decide that you want to spend Christmas just the two of you so that you can just relax and not have to worry about seeing anyone else. Of course before Christmas you go and see family to drop off presents and just spend time with them but then it is just you two for a few days. As much as you want to just do nothing you both decide to do a few Christmassy things and then spend Christmas Day cuddled on the sofa. The two of you go to a little Christmas market that is nearby one day which is a great decision as it's such a cute little market with loads of handmade ornaments which of course you buy a few of to put around the house and on the tree. You also get a few treats to share even though Alex will end up eating most of them as he likes to treat himself during the off-season before he has to go back to serious training. Another day you both go ice skating which you were much better at than Alex which makes a change as normally he beats you at everything. As much as it was cold it was really fun to get out and do something together as during the season you never have time do do fun things together. 

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