Jorge Martin- Adventure time

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Request for @ficsmotogp

At 2am Jorge woke me up which made me panic because I thought something had happened or something was wrong but no he scared the life out of me to tell me that I need to get up and pack as we are leaving for the airport in an hour. My poor half asleep brain was so very confused and I just laid there for a few minutes trying to process what he just said and even when I had I was still confused because I don't remember us having any trips planned.

"Wait a minute why are we going to the airport?" I questioned

"I want to take you away for our anniversary because you missed the group holiday and you deserve a break too plus I want to treat you" he explained

"Thats so sweet of you but you know I don't need you to do all this for me I would have been happy just sat on the sofa with you watching movies" I said

"Well I wanted to do it and if you want to spend a day in bed watching movies we can do that" he smiled and walked away to his wardrobe not even giving me a chance to say anything else

After he walked away it hit me that I also needed to pack and by now I have 40 minutes so I got my ass in gear and after finding out how long we were going for and where exactly we were going I packed faster than I ever have before which left me with enough time to change and brush my hair. Jorge didn't trust my tired packing skills to he made sure to check I had the necessary things which I had all of apart from the hairbrush in my hand which I thought was pretty good seeing as usually I refuse to pack last minute out of fear of forgetting something. Once he was happy we were ready he put our cases in the car and threw one of his hoodies at me for me to put on which I was very happy about because I knew it would be cold outside plus his hoodies are always more cozy and they smell like him which is an added bonus.

We headed to the airport which was virtually empty because it is so early in the morning but that made the experience all the more easier as there was no lines for checking in or at security and there was no one to stop us wanting to talk to Jorge like there is everywhere else we go. The experience was very stress free up until we got on the plane because no matter how often I fly I still get anxious so getting on a plane and having to watch the safety demonstration is very stressful for me. I noticed that I was picking at the skin on my hands and my nails which I do when I get nervous and Jorge must have noticed too because he grabbed both of my hands in his to stop me being able to pick at them. As a distraction he kept talking to me and traced shapes on the back of my hands with his thumbs which worked pretty well because before I knew it the plane had taken off and we were well on our way to our destination. For the rest of the flight we listened to music together each having one headphone, our music tastes aren't very similar at all but when in quarantine we created a playlist of music that we both liked to play so we didn't annoy one another which has become all I listen to especially when Jorge isn't around.

Our flight landed safely and we made it through baggage claim pretty quickly as our bags came off first which makes a change as I always end up having to wait for ages as everyone else leaves. Once we had our bags Jorge led me though the airport and to the car rental place which has me confused as usually we get taxis on holiday but apparently Jorge has different plans this time, I waited patiently to the side until he had the keys and we could finally leave the airport. We walked out to where all of the rental cars were parked and then we stopped by the car I have always wanted to own but never brought because it felt unnecessary but I'm not going to lie I am pretty excited to drive it. Jorge threw the keys to me so I could get in the drivers seat which I did but I had to take a moment to admire the interior first because it was just so nice. I drove us to the hotel having the best time of my life playing music through the speakers with the roof down so that the wind was going through my hair and of course Jorge was there to enjoy it all with me.

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