Pecco Bagnaia- I do

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It feels like just yesterday that Pecco and I got engaged but in reality it's been over 6 months, the day was just perfect because Pecco had gone all out to make it a special day which he did very well. I often think back to that day and remember the twinkle in Pecco's eyes as he asked me to marry him and the smile he had on his face when I said yes and he put the ring on my finger, it's such a fond memory that I hope to never forget even as I get older. That being said since there has been a lot of stress in trying to plan our wedding because Pecco is often away so we only have limited time to actually go and look around venues and organise vendors which has meant that I've been handling most things while he's away but we always talk through FaceTime before making any final decisions. 

Although it's been a lot of work the last few months things are coming together so I can do the things I'm really excited about like finding a dress. I have been to a few dress shops but none of the dresses I tried seemed right even if they were really pretty they just weren't what I had pictured in my mind for my wedding dress. Today seeing as its a Saturday and Pecco is at a race me and a few friends are all going to go dress shopping and as I'm the first friend in the group to get married everyone is very excited probably more excited than I am. They have been sending me pictures for the last week and even all woke me up incredibly early this morning by sending pictures back and forth on our group chat which I tried to ignore but I was well and truly awake so I just got up. The plan was to go in the afternoon but at just after 10am there was pounding in the door despite the fact there is a doorbell right there that scared the life out of me but when I answered it it was just my friends who practically dragged me out the door after letting me grab my keys and shoes. 

When we arrived in the nearest city they dragged me through the streets until we got to a small boutique that had some incredibly fancy dresses in the window which were at all my style but they still made me go in just to look around. As soon as we entered a worker came up to us and asked me all sorts of questions about what I was looking for before showing me to a section of dresses that matched the description I gave. There was so many pretty dresses but most of them just weren't my style but there was a few I liked so I picked them out to try them on and my friends picked a few that they wanted to see me in and the worker picked one she thought would suit me. 

Trying on the dresses was actually quite disappointing as all the ones I thought would look good just didn't and even the one the worker picked just didn't seem to suit me, it's frustrating because all I want is a dress that I love but all of the ones I try just look awful on me to the point that I'm starting to wonder if I'll even find a dress in time. The last dress I went to try on was one that I picked because I thought it looked nice even though I was convinced it wouldn't suit me but as soon as I looked in the mirror I fell in love. The dress itself was fitted right until my knees where it flowed into a beautiful lace train, at the top the neckline was kind of deep but not too revealing and there was little sleeves with the same lace that covered the rest of the dress which looked like leaves and flowers. Looking at myself in the mirror I almost let a few tears slip down my face as I pictured myself marrying Pecco in the dress which is how I knew it was the one. I still wanted to show my friends just to get their opinion and as soon as I walked out to where they were stood they all loved it and said it was the best one I'd tried on. 

I tried the dress on with a veil and everything before getting all my measurements taken so that the dress could be altered to fit me perfectly even though it already fit quite well it just needed to be made a bit shorter. Of course I had to take a million pictures first to send to my family who have been dying to see what I picked out and to keep as memories, Pecco has also been begging me to send him pictures of the wedding dresses I try but I refuse because I want to wait until the day for him to see the dress although it is hard to keep it a secret when I usually tell him everything. Leaving the store I was overwhelmed with happiness thinking about the fact that this wedding was really going to happen and I was going to marry Pecco in the most beautiful dress I've ever seen that I almost forgot about everything else thats left to organise. 

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