Deniz Oncu- City break

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Requested by @ilovenakedmen24-7

Going to Barcelona to get away from home and work for a bit was a great idea until I arrived and the place was heaving. The airport was full of people which made it very stressful trying to get through security and then find my bag but eventually I made it out into the real world and could finally breathe in some fresh air. Trying to get a taxi to my hotel became the next target but of course since there was so many people that wasn't simple either but somehow I got lucky and managed to get a taxi a bit further from the airport exit where there was less people waiting around. Only once the driver started to talk to me did I realise what was going on as he asked me if I was going to the race which I wasn't so I asked what race it was and he told me that this weekend is the MotoGP race which appears to be quite a big event and would explain all the people at the airport.

Along the drive the driver told me a bit more about MotoGP as I hadn't heard of it before and it actually sounded really interesting as it was a bit like f1 which I've watched a races of over the years. The more I was told the more interested I became and I made a note to look up some videos of races and some of the riders so that I could learn more especially if I was going to be around people who are actually going to the race for most of my trip. As much as the race sounded interesting I quickly realised I had picked a bad time to come to Barcelona as it was going to be a lot busier than usual and probably not as relaxing as I had hoped it would be. From what the driver was telling me it was going to be like being back home with how busy the streets will be but at least I won't have to go to work or go about my usual routine so I guess it may not be as bad as I think.

Despite that when I got to the hotel I just unpacked my things and then flopped back down on the bed which is where I stayed for the rest of the day. Today however I plan to go out to explore a little as the whole reason I wanted to go to Barcelona is to explore the city as it's always somewhere I've wanted to visit so I'm not going to let anything get in the way of that even if it is stressful. I didn't make any particular plans before I left as I wanted to choose what I did each day depending on how I felt so todays plan is to just walk around and see parts of Barcelona and go wherever my heart takes me.

By the time I left the hotel it wasn't too busy outside so before I did anything I decided to just go on a walk first to take in the surroundings before more people filled the streets and because I find walking calming so it's a good way for me to unwind. This place really is beautiful the buildings and everything are just breathtaking and it's just so lively with things going on everywhere and small shops selling so many different things. Slowly the streets started to fill with more people which is when I decided to find somewhere to get a drink as after my walk I was feeling a bit tired so coffee was definitely needed. There was so many cafes but they were all really busy so I kept walking until I went down a few smaller streets which were less busy and I managed to find a cafe that was pretty much empty so I went in.

Deniz's POV

Seeing as the race weekend doesn't start for a few days the plan was to spend those days relaxing and spending some time in and around Barcelona. As soon as I left the hotel the streets were full of people but I still persisted in my quest to go for a walk and get some breakfast somewhere. It was quite hard to find my way around because of the amount of people and then every time I came across somewhere I could get breakfast it was so busy that it didn't seem worth it. I was about to just go back to the hotel when I saw a girl walking the streets with seemingly not a care in the world which normally wouldn't have drawn my attention so much but in the glimpse I got of her face she was just gorgeous. Somehow her hair flowed beautifully in the wind and the sun just radiated off her in the most incredible way that made her look almost not real but she definitely was she just looked that good.

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