Pedro Acosta- What are the chances

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When my parents told me we were going on holiday to the south of Spain I was excited but since we've gotten here all we have done is gone to the beach which is nice but I want to go and explore as we are in such a beautiful area. Today I'm going to do just that as last night I told my parents that I was going out for the day and I woke up early this morning to make the most of the day. The first thing I wanted to do was go and get coffee and some breakfast at a cafe I've seen when we walked to the beach as it looks really cute and it's always quite busy so it must be good. On my walk I took in the scenery properly as I haven't had the chance to properly look around Murcia even though it's such a beautiful place. If I could I'd stay here forever but sadly at some point our holiday will end and I'll have to go back home. 

Once I reached the cafe I read the menu outside for a moment as I didn't want to embarrass myself by standing in there for ages trying to work out what everything was. Eventually I worked out what I wanted and headed inside to order. I fully expected them to ask me to pay first as that's what usually happens when I'm at home but they told me to stand to the side and wait for my order to be ready which took me by surprise but I went and stood next to the one guy waiting. While I waited I looked through my phone and got engrossed texting my friend as the other guys order was called and then mine which is when I put my phone away to go and pay. As I walked up the barista handed me my drink and the pastry I ordered for my breakfast but then she began to walk away.

"Excuse me I need to play for these still" I said 

"The guy before paid for yours as well so you are all good" she replied 

That took me by surprise but I thanked the barista anyway and headed to find a seat and see if the guy was still around so I could thank him. I took a quick look around and saw the guy sat in the back corner on his phone which made me a little nervous to go and talk to him in case I interrupt him but I wanted to thank him and it's not like I'm going to see him again so I made myself go and do it. As I walked over he looked up and smiled at me which made me even more nervous especially as I actually looked at him for the first time and he was actually really cute. 

"Hi thank from for paying for me you didn't have to do that" I said 

"Don't worry about it it's my pleasure, you can join me if you like" he said 

"Are you sure I don't want to bother you" I said 

"No it's fine just sit" he encouraged and so I did 

He reached over and pulled out the chair opposite him for me to sit down which I did and then we got to talking so I could learn more about the stranger I found myself sat with. First he told me his name was Pedro and then I found out he is my age which was good to know as it meant he really is just a nice guy and probably not some weirdo trying to get my attention. We continued to get to know each other and he told me that he was from this area so he gave me some good place to go to. As it turns out Pedro is a really lovely guy he was happy to sit and listen to me and wait for me to try and figure out how to say what I wanted to in Spanish as I'm not fluent. We got to know each other quite well before Pedro offered to give me a bit of a tour of the area which wasn't in my plans but I couldn't say no as I'm sure he knows more than I do plus spending more time with Pedro sounds quite nice. 

We walked towards the main square together and Pedro pointed out some good places to go to eat which I tried to remember but I still probably forget some. As we got into the square some people came up to Pedro asking to take pictures which really confused me and to begin with I thought I'd misunderstood what they said but when they got their phones out I realised I was right. I ended up taking the pictures while wondering if I had accidentally met someone who's famous is Spain without me knowing. Once the people left Pedro tried to just move on but I just stood looking at him wanting at least some sort of answer as to why those people wanted pictures with him as that not just a normal thing for most people.

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