First I love you

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Fabio Quartararo: 

He says it first. He first realised he loved you when one weekend he was away at a race alone because you couldn't make it and he missed you so much that he always looked forward to the end of the day when he could talk to you. Thats not all though because whenever he wasn't talking to you he would think about you during the day with a big smile on his face that his team quickly noticed and made fun of him for but all that did was make him realise just how much he loved you and that he was in love with you. When he realised that he loved you he kept it to himself for a while because he didn't want to scare you off by saying it too soon and he needed time to come to terms with the fact that he'd fallen so deeply for you as he'd never fallen so hard for anyone before. 

One night he had just got back from a fly away race and it was very late and you were both very tired from your long days either flying or in your case at work so just wanted to cuddle on the sofa. After you helped him unpack he laid down on the sofa and got you to lay on top of him while he played with your hair and ran his fingers along your back tickling it slightly. Both of you were almost asleep when he randomly blurted out the words I love you which woke him up instantly in a panic. You weren't phased because you already knew you loved him so you just said it back because you didn't want him to panic for too long although if you weren't so tired you may have waited a little longer to watch him squirm but you were feeling nice so didn't do that. When he realised that you felt the same he kissed you and whispered it in your ear again this time fully intending to and with a lot more confidence. 

Marc Marquez:

You say it first. You very quickly fell for Marc because he was always so sweet and gentle with you even though he doesn't seem that way to others and on the track he is a different character around you. Marc loved you too and he knew the way he felt from pretty early on because he you made him feel different than anyone else had before in the best way possible. He first realised this when he had asked you to come over to spend the evening watching films together and you came wearing one of his hoodies he had given you and it gave him butterflies in his stomach you looked that beautiful to him even in comfy clothes and bare faced. As much as he was confident in the way he felt he wasn't confident enough to say it to you because he didn't want to say it too soon and ruin what you two had because he didn't know if he could lose you. 

One day you two are spending the day together after not seeing each other for a few weeks as Marc has been away and when he's not you've been really busy. The two of you had no plans other than hanging around the house talking and having a general lazy day which you both very much needed after a few stressful weeks. Marc had been treating you like a princess all day getting you anything you wanted before you could even ask for it and was being extra cuddly which was great as you'd missed his cuddles while you had been apart. At one point when you guys were sat outside enjoying the sun and Marc had his arms firmly wrapped around you waist you whispered how much you loved him under your breath but he heard you. Of course he questioned what you said and when you said it again a bit louder he said it back right away with the biggest smile on his face that you felt the same way he did and that he hadn't fallen too deep too soon.

Alex Marquez:

You say it first. You kind of knew that you loved him from pretty early on but you tried to ignore the feeling as you thought it was too early to have fallen that deeply but on one day in particular it really hits you and you can't deny it anymore. It was a day where you had been really struggling as you had recently lost a family member so when Alex called you to check up on you and you were crying he instantly cancelled all his plans and spent the day with you. The fact that he was willing to do that for you is what made you realised that you really did love you. That was also the day Alex realised that he loved you too because he didn't think twice about cancelling important events to be with you and when he was with you and you were asleep on his chest all he felt was adoration for you.

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