Fabio Quartararo- Accident

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Requested by @ferdan1998

Before this weekend even started I knew it would be a tough one as we were going to Aragon and its no secret that Fabio really dislikes Aragon probably to the point that hate is the best word to describe it. To be fair its not been too bad this weekend as Fabio made it straight through to q2 in 8th but he has been very frustrated with the bike and its complete lack of pace compared to the Ducatis since the start. Qualifying was a bit better as he managed to get 6th on the grid but there was four Ducatis in front and another two not far behind which meant he was just as annoyed as he was after practice as he knows that he's going to struggle in the race.

It has been so hard to watch him this weekend as he has just been so down and dejected about his chances which isn't like Fabio at all as normally he will try to keep a positive mentality but he just hasn't been able to this weekend. He's been like it away from the track too as when we go back to the motorhome he doesn't really talk he just likes to sit and think which I know isn't good but there is nothing I can really do to stop him. At the start of the season he did the exact same thing as he was annoyed about Yamahas development and that didn't help him at all but when he stopped focusing on that his results really improved. I've been trying my best to sort of hint to Fabio that he needs to get out of his head without actually telling him as I know he won't want to hear it.

With today being race day I'm hoping for the best but preparing for the worst and unfortunately I have an awful feeling that things aren't going to go Fabio's way. Even the team have seen the change in Fabio this weekend and have been asking me if anything has been going on between us or in our personal lives as they were thinking there must be something making Fabio as down as he is. When I told them that there was nothing else going on they felt bad as there was nothing they could do either to help the situation as they can only do so much with the bike and aren't miracle workers so sadly can't find more top speed from nowhere. Overall it's just been a hard time and everyone seems demotivated and not hopeful for the weekend and it seems that I'm the only one who is at least trying to keep some positivity.

As soon as we got up I made Fabio get ready and told him we were going for a walk as I thought that might keep his mind distracted for a bit longer. It was still quite early in the morning so there wasn't many people around which meant it was quite peaceful and calming on the track as we walked around. As much as it was nice as it was so quiet it was very cold which I didn't expect because its been so warm the rest of the weekend so I only had a long sleeved shirt on which definitely wasn't enough to keep the cold out. Although the aim was to keep Fabio distracted I've found myself being more distracted than anything as its so cold that all I was thinking about was getting back to the motorhome. Fabio seemed to be enjoying himself though as he had his usual smile on his face which was really nice to see as I don't think I've seen a real smile from him all weekend. He grabbed my hand as we walked and immediately loosened his grip when he realised that it was cold.

"You are freezing" he commented

"I know I didn't expect it to be so cold so I didn't bring a hoodie" I said

"Well that was silly" he laughed

Although Fabio laughed at me he let go of my hand and took his jacket off and put it around my shoulders so that I could put my arms in and right away I felt so much better as my body began to warm up. Fabio then decided it would be a good idea to start running to help warm me up even though he knows I hate running but I joined him anyways although that was mainly because he has hold of my hand so I didn't have much choice in the matter. We probably looked like idiots running around the track together but I didn't really care as it was just nice to spend some time with Fabio and see him happy before the race.

Eventually we made it back round to the pits just in time for breakfast so we went to eat with the team and then it was time for the moto3 race which Fabio always likes to watch so we headed out to pit lane. Usually when I come to races with Fabio we watch the other sessions from the garage to avoid the cameras but I thought it would be best for Fabio to not be in there if possible so we went to the pit wall instead. We were joined by a few other riders as it got closer to the race who Fabio and I talked to until the race started which was nice as I don't often get much time to talk to the other guys so whenever we get to catch up its always nice. Once the race started everyone went and did their own thing but Fabio and I stayed where we were as the view of the line was pretty good.

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